When the Church celebrates the Lord’s Supper in the Divine Service, the congregation will likely confess their faith using the words of the Nicene Creed. You might be thinking, “We don’t learn that one by heart in Confirmation.” This series will dive into the Creed we commonly call the Nicene Creed.
With this post I am merely introducing the Nicene Creed and a little bit of its history. The Nicene Creed, or at least the first two articles, come out of the events that transpired at the Council of Nicea, 325AD. Unfortunately, the Church was not immune to controversy, and the Council that convened at Nicea had to deal specifically with the question of who Jesus is. Is Jesus of the same substance of God the Father? Or is He something other and then less than God?
The major controversy arose over the saying of Arius, “There was a time when the Son was not” implying that Jesus was not begotten of the Father from all eternity. The great orthodox theologian Athanasius strongly opposed Arius and his teachings. The story also goes that St. Nicholas slapped Arius for his heretical teaching at the Council of Nicea. This had to be dealt with, and unfortunately, the Apostles’ Creed could be recited by both the orthodox Christian as well as a follower of Arius. It did not address the issues at hand. The Roman Emperor Constantine who had allowed Christianity to stand as a recognized religion in the Empire wanted to keep the peace between the factions. He called for a Council, the first of its kind since Acts 15. The Nicea formulation would take pains to articulate the biblical and orthodox view of Jesus in relationship to the Father. We will talk more about that as we get into the articles in later posts.
I said the first articles come from the Council of Nicea, the third article cae out of the controversies dealt with at the later council held at Constantinople, 381AD. There the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Father and Son was taken up. So the Nicene Creed is shorthand for the fuller name: The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed. Historically speaking, this creed was the second ecumenical creed to be written down for all orthodox Christians to confess with one voice, and this creed is likely the most commonly confessed creed of the 3 creeds inside the Divine Service. Next time we will look at the First Article of the Creed and how it expands on the words of the Apostles’ Creed.
Rev. Jacob Hercamp
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
La Grange, MO
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