The Law is God’s Word just as much as the Gospel is God’s Word. Both are eternal. And both are good. The Law of God is Good. God’s eternal law expresses His very being, and it is called “the unchanging will of God, according to which human beings are to conduct themselves in this life.” (Formula of Concord 6.15) In other words the Law of God is Good and Wise.
However, in our present sinful condition we always hear the Law’s accusations. We have not done good enough. We have failed to honor mother and father. We have not always helped someone when they were in bodily need. We have failed to tell people about Jesus. We have not always paid attention when in the Divine Service. The list goes on and on. Our confessions state, “The law always accuses” ( Lex Semper Accusat), but it does not only accuse. Think of the beginning. Adam knew God by the Law. It was only understood to be a good thing. Only when Adam transgressed did the accusations begin.
The same Law that now accuses continues to point us to the deeds which our Lord delights in. The Law shows us the way of righteousness. That is a good thing. While we are shown to fall short of God’s holiness due to our sins, God’s Law prepares us for the good news that Jesus Christ has fulfilled the Law for us, and by in Christ Jesus, we are able to do those which are deemed good and right. In Christ fulfilling the Law, the Law is returned to its original positive position.
Christ has fulfilled the Law. It is to Him that we flee for refuge because the Law still accuses as live this life. The threats of the Law still persist. But know the good news! Christ has set us free from the curse of the Law. By faith, we no longer see the Law in its accusatory function, but rather as it was in the beginning, leading us to live in righteousness. It is then a life that reflects the holiness of our Heavenly Father.
Rev. Jacob Hercamp
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
La Grange, MO
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