A Lutheran Kind of Colony

175 years ago, a small colony of Lutheran missionaries began to clear land in the swampy pine forests of Michigan’s Saginaw Valley. Like many other settlements in 19th century America. they fervently believed in their religion and were led by a pastor, August Crämer. Unlike most utopian movements, however, they were orthodox Christians and were not there for themselves primarily. They were missionaries to the Chippewa people. The vision of their benefactor, Wilhelm Löhe was they would reach out to these Native Americans and provide a Christian community that would be a witness to how those who love Jesus live with each other. Löhe named the town Frankenmuth — Courage of the Franconians.

The colony established itself in spite of the difficulties in settling virgin land. Giant trees had to be felled, shelters built, land plowed and a basic crop planted to survive the winter. They were plagued by malaria and other illnesses and all the while struggled to contact the Chippewas. By December, they had built the first church, St. Lorenz Lutheran Church. In the meantime, Crämer had interested the native peoples to send their children to the missionary school he would establish. The Pastor would eventually learn their language and translate the Small Catechism into their language. Soon Missionary Baierlein arrived and moved into their village. Eventually, 35 Chippewas were baptized. The Mission came to an end when the US Government relocated the tribe further west.

In the next year, ninety more colonists arrived. The community grew into a bustling farm community. Soon three more colonies would follow and prosper. Today Frankenmuth is a tourist destination for Christmas shoppers, crafts, German heritage and fine dining.

©2020 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation

Martin Luther wrote a lot of books, pamphlets, sermons and other writings. In addition, once he was famous, his friends and students wrote down everything he said and did. These have been printed in one series of books containing all of them. They take up 120 tall volumes. So, which of these should you read to know what he taught? On everyone’s short list are two books you may have read: Luther’s Small and Large Catechisms, and others you may have not: his 1535 Galatians Commentary and three documents from 1520: A Prelude on the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, Freedom of a Christian and the subject of this post: To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation. I would add one we’ve talked about: On Good Works.

By Summer of 1520, it was clear to Luther, his prince Elector Frederick that the papacy would soon move to excommunicate Luther and perhaps other. They decided that a direct appeal to Emperor Charles and the other princes and powers of the Holy Roman Empire. The strategy was to convince them to call a Church Council to reform the church. As the document was being written, a variety of princes and other respected members of German governments urged him to provide a theological justification for the secular powers to intervene. Luther the first edition of To the German Nobility came off the press five hundred years ago by August 18, 1520.

Martin Luther answered three arguments made by defenders of the pope against the involvement of princes in the reform of the Church, which he called walls protecting him. The first was that the clergy and monks were superior to laymen spiritually and no one could approach God except through them. The second was only the pope could interpret the Scriptures correctly and third that only the pope could call a church council. The ground-breaking assertion Luther made was these were not true because the clergy are not superior to laypeople spiritually. All Christians were members of the Priesthood of All Believers, equal to the clergy spiritually and with their own, direct relationship to God. So they were also able to interpret Scripture and, as called by God to maintain order in the world and restrain evil, the princes have a right and a duty to call councils to reform the church.

With To the German Nobility, Luther had liberated the laity from dependence upon the clergy for all of their spiritual lives. Lutherans and the Reformed believers now were able to care for their own spiritual needs. The focus shifted to individual relationships between God and the believer. Western Christianity would never be the same.

©2020 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

Meet Friedrich August Crämer

In August of 1845, August “Onkel” Crämer arrived in the wilderness of Saginaw County, Michigan, as the Pastor and leader of a unique colony. Called “Frankenmuth” (The Courage of the Franconians”), this group was founded to be a witness to the Chippewa nation. The idea was to show these non-Christians what a Christian society was like. Crämer was not only their pastor, but a missionary and a translator. His work bore fruit in the baptism of Chippewa and the physical care for the tribe’s children. In 1850, he was called to be a professor at the seminary in Fort Wayne. He served the “practical seminary” the rest of his life, moving with it to St. Louis and later to its one hundred year home in Springfield, Illinois.

Crämer was born into a Bavarian merchant’s home. He was raised in a strict German fashion and eventually sent on the Gymnasium (a German preparatory high school for students destined for University study) He went on to study theology at the University of Erlangen. Under the influence of the culture of the time, he strayed from his Lutheran roots into rationalism. He became involved in a German nationalist movement that eventually made a poor attempt at a coup. The result was he was imprisoned for six years.

After he was released, he turned to the serious study of linguistics, including the languages of ancient Greek, modern Greek, old and middle High German, French, and English. During a serious illness, he turned to religion for comfort. At first, confronted by his deep sinfulness, it did anything but comfort him. But in the midst of the depression this insight caused, the words of the catechism came back to him. He now realized that God’s grace was even for him. From this great comfort came a fervent commitment to Confessional Lutheranism, not unlike his future brothers-in-ministry, C. F. W. Walther, Friedrich Wyneken, Wilhelm Sihler and others.

After completing his studies, he served first as a tutor in the household of Lord Lovelace, which did not end well when he did not convert to Unitarianism, later in the home of Henry Drummond, with a similar result, when he did not become an Irvingite and, finally, as a tutor at Oxford University with the same outcome when he did not become an Anglican. It was then that Wyneken’s Distress of the German Lutherans in North America fell into his hands. Convinced he needed to serve his countrymen in the wilderness of the United States. Wilhelm Löhe recognized his talents, arranged to have him ordained and set him over the missionary colony soon to make its way to Michigan.

©2020 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

Meet Wilhelm Sihler

When Friedrich Wyneken was called from his beloved Fort Wayne to succeed his friend Johannes Häsbärt, he refused to accept the call until a pastor was called to replace him. At his recommendation, Prussian Wilhelm Sihler, then pastor is Pomeroy, Ohio, was installed on July 15, 1845, at St. Paul Lutheran Church and Zion Lutheran Church of Friedheim, one hundred seventy-five years ago. He served in Indiana for forty years, founding Concordia Theological Seminary, leading the teaching seminary that would grow into Concordia University Chicago and guiding Concordia (Junior) College of Fort Wayne. Together with C. F. W. Walther, Wyneken and others, he helped to found and guide the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod.

Sihler was the son of a Prussian Army officer and inherited from him a strong sense of discipline, devotion to exercise and control of one’s emotions. He studied under Friedrich Schleiermacher, one of the most influential theological voices of the 19th Century. He was attracted to the German Awakening, a form of pietism not unlike the Second Great Awakening in the United States. Like many of his contemporaries, including the other founders of the Missouri Synod, he was drawn to the Orthodox Lutheran theology, especially as found in the Lutheran Confessions and the writings of Martin Luther.

In 1843, a copy of Wyneken’s Distress of the German Lutherans of North America fell into his hands. Moved to help German immigrants on the American frontier, he came to America as a teacher, but was soon called as a pastor in Pomeroy, Ohio. Wyneken and Löhe convinced him to embrace F. C. D.’s idea to found a seminary for second career pastors nicknamed Nothilfer (“Emergency Helpers”) and Sendlinge (“Sent Ones”) By then, Tens of Thousands of Germans each year poured onto the American frontier, looking to carve new lives out of virgin forests and swamp land. There was little time to follow the usual path of identifying future pastors in their middle school years, provide a classical high school education followed by seminary. Löhe provided an initial education in Germany and Sihler and his assistant pastor would complete it.

Sihler also saw the inadequacy of existing Lutheran Synods in America, as did the men Löhe had already sent — and Wynken. They began to discuss with C. F. W. Walther the possibility of joining with the Saxons to form a new church body. But that was yet to come.

©2020 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

Luther takes on the Pope

For the better part of a year and a half, Luther was on a collision course with the papacy and its supporters. At first Luther did not realize the full implications of his challenge of indulgences. It surprised him that the reaction of his opponents was not to engage him on indulgences or penance, but to criticize him for implying that the Pope‘s word was not final on the subject.

Rather than engage Luther in a debate on the subject from the Scripture, the defenders of the papacy argued from the official documents of the church, pronouncements of the pope and councils. This drove Luther deeper into his study of the Bible where he discovered more and more problems with the teachings of the church. The alarm grew among his opponents with each new writing. These became very popular and soon Luther was the most read author in Germany.

Luther’s prince, Frederick the Wise, was a very accomplished politician and skillfully used his importance to the Pope when the throne of the Holy Roman Empire was vacant to protect Luther. Once Charles I, King of Spain, was elected Emperor Charles V, the Pope no longer needed the elector quite as much. Both Luther and his prince knew that it was only a matter of time before the Pope would act against the reformer. As rumors of a bull began to filter back to Germany, they began to shift their attention to winning over the Emperor to their cause.

At the end of June 1520, Luther’s tract On the Papacy in Rome appeared. It was a polemical writing (a political attack on his opponents, using insults, humor and sarcasm. The reformer and his adversaries would become known for this style of writing) In it he argued that the pope was not appointed by divine right, but by human arrangement. To criticize the pope, then, was not to criticize God. All ministers of the gospel are equal. The pope was the Bishop of Rome and not the vicar (assistant, substitute) So all the teachings of the pope need to be evaluated by the scripture and held to what the Lord reveals. It the course of this writing, Luther shows an avoidance of the word kirche, church, Instead he uses the word Christendom, which he defines as a spiritual communion, which is not governed by earthly considerations.

©2020 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

Pope Leo X Condemns Luther: Bull Exsurge Domine

Pope Leo and his court misunderstood Luther and his allies. At First, they thought of the dispute as yet one more fight among monastic orders, whose rivalries results quite regularly in theological squabbles and food fights. His de Medici concerns were much more important for him and, when emperor Maximilian I died, Leo needed Luther’s prince, Elector Frederick the Wise to keep King Charles of Spain from becoming Emperor. He even promoted Frederick as his candidate for the throne. Frederick was a worthy diplomat, who played imperial political chess just as ably as the De Medici pope. As theologians closer to Wittenberg soon informed him, however, the German professor had seriously undermined the theological rational for Papal power. From that point forward, he tried a combination of threats, rewards and possible compromises, offered by a succession of diplomats with a variety of credentials. He tried also to pressure Luther’s order and prince to silence the monk with no success at all.

When Charles of Spain became Charles V, Holy Roman Empire, Leo no longer needed Frederick the Wise nearly as much. In January of 1520, the Pope convened a commission to condemn Luther’s teachings. In the mean time, the Pope intensified his previous efforts to achieve a resolution. Pressure was applied to Luther’s immediate supervisor, Johann von Staupitz, who finally responded by resigning in May. In order to assist in the effort, Johann Eck came to Rome to convince the commission to issue a Bull against Luther. The result was a document cataloging 41 “errors” of Luther and threatening to excommunicate him if he did not retract them.

A Papal bull is a proclamation called that because of the lead seal used to certify such as official. (Latin for the seal is Bulla) This document is known as the Bull Exsurge Domine (“Arise O Lord”) for the opening words of the work. It was dated June 15, 1520 and proclaimed on 24 July, when it was posted on the door of St. Peter’s Basillica. It would not go into effect until it was published in Saxony and delivered to Luther personally. (Much like a legal summons is today in the United States) This did not happen until October of 1520.

Most of the charges had to do with Luther’s challenge to indulgences and the authority of pope. Missing from the perspective of today are all the signature doctrines of Lutheranism, even salvation by grace alone. The reason for this is that most of these were yet to be discovered by Luther. We will visit these as we talk about the anniversaries of the docments where he first discusses them.

©2020 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

Understanding an Unknowable God

“We believe in one God… And in one Lord Jesus Christ… God of God…” the Christian church confesses every Sunday. We love God, worship him, study his word and meditate on it. We want to understand God, but no matter how hard we try, one God in three Persons does not make sense to us. And that is a good thing, too.

God is our Creator, so there is always something about him we will not comprehend.( Romans 11:33-36) Because God knows this, he spoke to us in the Bible and revealed himself to us in his son.(Hebrews 1:1-2) He tells us exactly what we should know about him in our language and in ways we can understand. The trouble comes when we try to put it all together with human reason, which is limited by time and place. This will happen every time we deeply consider God’s qualities and characteristics. (His attributes) if you find you fully understand an attribute of God — worry. You are likely making over God in your image.

The way to come to peace with these limits is to believe exactly what the Bible tells us — even if it seems you can’t logically believe all of it at the same time. For example, the Bible tells us there is one God, but three persons are God, that Jesus is both God and man at the same time, that we are saved because God chose us before he made the world, but if we end up in hell, it is because we turned our axis on God and walked away from him. Because God Himself says all these things are so, we can believe them all and be at peace.

See Also: Who is Your God? | How Do We Know What God Thinks About Us? | We Believe in One God

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

What Does the Holy Spirit Do?

Encore Post: God the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, hovered over the dark chaos before the world began. (Genesis 1:2) When God the Father spoke and God the Son acted, He joined in the work of laying the foundation of the Creation. With the Father and the Son, he deliberated the creation of man and woman. (Genesis 1:26-27) Sent by the Father and the Son, he inspired the prophets to speak and to write the Holy Scriptures and spoke through them.

When the time was right, (Galatians 4:4-5) the Holy Spirit came to the Virgin Mary and conceived in her womb the Son of God Made flesh. (Luke 1:35) With the Father, he witnessed the baptism of the beloved Son — the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. (Matthew 3:13-17, John 1:29 ) It was the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised to send to us.  He saves us through the hearing of the Gospel and the waters of baptism. He is our companion and counselor. He leads us to know the truth (John 16:13). He lives inside of everyone who trusts in Christ. (Romans 8:9-11, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 2 Timothy 1:13-14) More than that, when we pray, he prays with us. When we cannot pray, he intercedes for us.

See also: Who or What is the Holy Spirit? | Salvation Guaranteed | Understanding an Unknowable God

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

A Little Sunday Morning Reading….

Encore Post: As you take a vacation trip and visit new churches along the way, you may notice that the Scripture passages read seem a lot like the ones being read at your church at home. You are probably right. Most Lutheran churches and other Christian traditions use a Lectionary — a list of readings agreed upon by a group of Christian Church bodies.

This is nothing new — the first lectionaries were used by synagogues before Jesus was born. The church continued that tradition, adding readings from the Gospels and a variety of letters and sermons written by the apostles and other early church fathers. Those recognized by the church as God’s Word eventually became a part of the lectionary proper and joined other Scriptures read regularly in worship.

The readings eventually settled down into a standard rotation. These became traditional lessons for the same Sunday in the Church Year. This pattern is used to this day — with some small adjustments — in the historic one year lectionary. Its advantage is that our ancestors heard these passages read — even Martin Luther and those before him.

Beginning in 1974, Protestant churches together developed a three-year lectionary, which reached its final form in 1983. Called the Revised Common Lectionary, it is used by most Christians in the United States. The three-year lectionary in Lutheran Service Book is based on this Lectionary. Its advantage is that more of the Scripture is read in worship and preached upon.

If you want to prepare for worship on Sunday during the week before, why not consult your congregation’s lectionary? The list of readings is available online at: the LCMS’ lectionary page?

See Also: Half Time in the Church Year

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

Who or What is the Holy Spirit?

Encore Post: We use his name several times each time we worship. He is responsible for the faith in our hearts and the good works we do. Yet most Christians know very little about him. The Holy Spirit has been called the quiet member of the Trinity, God’s secret agent or thought of as shadowy as his name. The words Spirit, wind, and breath are all good translations of the Hebrew word   רוּחַ (Ruach) and the Greek word πνεῦμα (Pneuma). In fact, beginning in the Earliest days of the Church, non-Christian movements have declared that the Holy Spirit is not a person at all, but a force or power.

The reason why the Holy Spirit gets so little attention is that he wants it that way. The Holy Spirit’s role in our lives is to create faith in Jesus and point us to the Son of God. (John 16:13-15) The Holy Spirit knows everything, even the mind of God.  (1 Corinthians 2:10-11)  He teaches God’s people. (John 14:26) He gets angry when his people betray him. (Isaiah 63:8-10Hebrews 10:29) The Holy Spirit prays for us (Romans 8:26) and spoke to his people. (Acts 8:29Acts 10:19-20) So, the Scripture does speak about the Holy Spirit in such a way that it is clear he is not only a person, but also God. (Acts 5:3)

See also: We Believe in One God… | Understanding an Unknowable God | Who is Your God? | Salvation Guaranteed

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com