Building the Body of Christ with a Visit


I wonder just how many church members only see their pastor on Sunday morning. Has your pastor seen your home? Does he even know where you live? Has he tried to make a house call to you?

Perhaps, the bigger question is whether or not you have invited your pastor over for such a visit. Too many people think that going to church on Sundays is “enough”. And please don’t get me wrong, the gifts of Christ are certainly there for all people and that is certainly enough for our salvation. But being the body of Christ, we ought to build one another up. Visits do just that.

Jesus went into people’s houses to visit with them.  Shouldn’t your pastor? Maybe he has tried. Perhaps the membership list is daunting. Maybe he feels he needs to be invited.

Most often people think that a visit for the pastor is reserved for the family members of a dearly departed. Or people think its for the really sick or just for those who are “shut-in”. But what if I told you that every church member should get a visit? A pastor should visit all the sheep put into his care because he must give an account of those entrusted into his care. But every Christian should and ought to visit their fellow church members because it builds up the body of Christ.

A visit is a friendly reminder to the person (no matter how frequent or infrequent they attend) that they are cared for by God and by their church. Visitation is a chance to remind us all what Christian charity looks like. It is a chance to connect with one another in ways that a corporate worship service does not allow unless if you have “gemutlichkeit” in the parking lot after.

It the best way for your pastor to get to know you, and it helps him preach practical law and practical gospel to you from the pulpit. Visiting also builds rapport for those “harder” visits when “Mom” passes or when your spouse is called to our Good Shepherd. It might even help build up courage within the pastor to make those other hard visits to the people who haven’t been in church since before he got there.

So if you haven’t gotten a visit from your pastor, might I suggest you invite him over? It might do you and him good!

Rev. Jacob Hercamp
St. Peter Lutheran Church, La Grange, MO

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