Jesus’s First Miracle: Water and Wine

Encore Post: “Our Lord blessed and honored marriage with his presence and first miracle at Cana in Galilee” begins the traditional wedding service in most Lutheran churches. Weddings are very joyful occasions. Everyone dresses their best. There is music, dancing and feasting. The bride and groom are excited because their life together will soon begin. Weddings today are very different today than they were during the earthly life of Jesus.

Weddings were seven days long, most of it eating, drinking, dancing, reciting wedding poetry and eating. On the first day, the bride and her wedding party would walk from her house to her groom’s house. They would say their vows in his house or under a tent that stood for the house. Then the party would begin.

Hospitality was very important at weddings. The groom would have to be sure there was plenty to eat and drink. At the wedding of Cana, Jesus saved the couple a lot of embarrassment. More than that, He showed His mother and His disciples that He was God and cared for people in their everyday lives. The church believes the fact that Jesus attended this wedding and blessed all marriages by making wine for the celebration.

Marriage is important, not only as the foundation of the family, but as a picture of the relationship between Christ and the Church. A beloved hymn sums it up well: “from heaven he came and sought her, to be his holy bride. With his own blood he bought her and for her life he died.” Marriage pictures for Christ’s self-sacrificing love for us and our response to his love. For this reason, what God has put together, let no one separate.

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