
Today is the Feast of the Epiphany. It is the culmination of not only the Christmas season, but indeed is the culmination of everything we’ve been anticipating since the beginning of Advent. Here’s what I mean: Advent begins in Holy Week. We hear about Jesus entering Jerusalem on the First Day of the Week, making his way to the cross. We anticipate the celebration of our Lord’s birth, and watch for his return in glory. And even in a season of repentance, we have joy in what the coming of our Lord gives: forgiveness, life, and salvation.

On Epiphany, we hear that people who are in the dark see a sign. They see the light. Specifically, they see a star. The significant thing about this is not just the sign, but who it was that saw the sign. While angels announce the birth of Jesus to Jewish shepherds in the fields on Christmas, God reveals the birth of the Messiah to Gentiles as well. For this, he causes a sign in the sky. He chooses to reveal the birth of Christ to some men who would recognize it. And so some Magi from the east see it.

We find the word for Magi in the second chapter of Daniel. After Daniel interprets a dream of the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, the king made him governor of the whole province of Babylon and the prince of the governors over all the wise men (magi) of Babylon. Because of Daniel and the captivity of the Jews in Babylon, the Magi knew something of the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. And so when they see the star, they know that it means the King of the Jews have been born.

But why is this important? Why make a big deal out of some men who are not Jewish to see a sign and come to the Lord? Because Jesus was sent as the Savior of Israel. He even says so himself: “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Before that, when he sends out the seventy-two, he tells them to only go Israel and not to the Gentiles or Samaritans.

So why, at the birth of Jesus, does God give Gentiles a sign? Why give them the star? Because of the promise he made to Abram Thousands of years before. “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

God chose Abram to be the father of his chosen people. The people who would become Israel. And it is through these people that God promised to deliver all mankind from the darkness of their sin and death. And while there are a few examples of Gentiles becoming a part of the people of Israel in the Old Testament, they were largely alienated from God, worshipping their false gods. And so it isn’t surprising that the people of Israel often assumed and acted as if they were the only ones that God actually cared about.

In the book of Acts, Peter comes to realize that salvation is also for the Gentiles only after a vision and witnessing the Holy Spirit fall upon the house of Cornelius. And St. Paul writes that the revealed mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.

Already at the birth of Jesus, God is drawing Gentiles to himself. These magi see the star and come to Jerusalem to worship the newborn king. And this tells us that, even though they know something about this new king, they did not have full understanding. They knew enough prophecy to know what the sign meant, but they didn’t know enough Scripture to know where the birth would occur.

When Wise Men find where he was to be born, they set out. They see the sign once again and follow it to the Christ. Once there, they behold the child. And these magi, the Wise Men bow down and worship him. Indeed, these men have stepped out of darkness and behold the Light. They bring gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They return to their homes, and you have to think they spread the message, a good news about this Christ Child.

At the Fall, the world was cast into darkness. This is a darkness that you and I were born into. Yet even in the fall into darkness, we were promised redemption. As Abram is called out of his home to journey to an unknown land, he is told all would be blessed through him. King David is promised a Son who would sit on his throne forever. Isaiah prophesies that “darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.”

The magi saw the sign in the sky and followed it to Jesus. Our Lord followed his course, and at the proper time, was lifted up on the cross, upon the tree. The sign of one who is cursed, but the sign of our redemption. By the work of Christ, we have been brought out of darkness and into the light. In the waters of baptism, the sign of the cross is applied to you and you are made a found sheep of the house of Israel. And now, sitting under the light of the Word, you hear and joyously receive his good news of your redemption. And in the sign of the Body and Blood, you feast upon the food that gives life, forgiveness, and salvation.

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

Rev. Brent Keller 
Peace Lutheran Church 
Alcester, SD  

©2020 Brent Keller. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com


Tomorrow is Christmas. Anticipation runs high. Children look under the tree and dream of what may be in those wrapped boxes. Parents look forward to seeing the joy upon the faces of their children when they open these gifts. And while not every gift will be a hit; not every gift will be met with joy and fulfill expectations, many will. And those are the ones everyone will want to remember. 

Anticipation was growing in the First Century, too. In had, in fact, been growing since before the prophets went silent with Malachi. And now, there is a strange man in the wilderness. He dresses weird. He has an odd diet. He is the son of a priest but is not himself a priest. And the Jewish leaders took note, for he drew many to himself.

He was a prophet and a prophet is one of the things they were all waiting for. Which is why it isn’t surprising to hear the religious leaders of the day sent some priests and Levites to John. They ask him who he was. The response is akin to how Jesus will sometimes answer a question. He answers it, but not in the way the inquisitor expects. Who is John? He is not the Christ. He is not Elijah. He is not the Prophet. So who is he? He is the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, “Make straight the way of the Lord.”

John answers their questions, but he doesn’t give the answer they seek. They know he isn’t the Christ. They know he claims that he isn’t Elijah. They know he is not the Prophet. But then he goes on to tell them he is the one preparing the way for the Lord. So while he isn’t The Prophet, he is a prophet. Make sense? Possibly not.

To understand how John can be a prophet but not the Prophet, we must understand what the Jews were asking him. The Prophet was a very specific person. Moses tells Israel, “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers—it is to him you shall listen”

Moses prophesied about One who will come who will be like him. One who will converse with the Lord. Who will speak the very Words of the Lord. Who will be the mediator between man and his God. So from that time on, Israel waited for this prophet. They were in a constant state of anticipation. And indeed, many prophets came who exhibited some of the attributes of this Prophet to come. They would speak with God. They would proclaim this word to the people. But none of them were the New Moses that Israel was waiting for. None of them had the unique relationship between themselves and God that Moses had.

Perhaps exasperated, the religious leaders of the people asked, “Who are you? We need to give an answer to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?And John responds by saying, “I am the voice of the one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’ as the prophet Isaiah said.

What John tells them here is that their anticipation is about to be fulfilled. He comes to prepare the way for the Christ who is the Prophet. That One is coming, and that is why John does what he does. He is preparing hearts for the coming of Jesus. And this work is important because this coming One is greater than he. Because of what Moses says in Deuteronomy 18: “I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. And whoever will not listen to my words that he shall speak in my name, I myself will require it of him.” John tells these men that the Prophet is coming, and they had better pay attention. They had better listen to him. Because if they don’t, there will be dire consequences. God himself will hold them accountable.

But what about those who do receive and listen to the Prophet? St. Paul exhorts us, to “rejoice in the Lord always.” Indeed, our Lord is at hand and there is no reason for us to be anxious over anything. Because we have this Prophet, greater than Moses, we may go to him in prayer and with every petition of want, need, or desire.

And we know that this Glory has been revealed. And it is revealed in the babe of Bethlehem. In the Child of the Virgin Mary. People will come from near and far to see him. From the Magi to Samaritans to Pharisees. Some will behold him, marveling at him and worshipping him. Others will grumble and oppose him.

The glory of the Lord is revealed in Jesus not to condemn, but to bring life. To show his righteousness and salvation to all flesh. At the birth of Christ, heaven can’t contain itself. As we will soon hear, angels announce the birth to shepherds. Magi in the east will see the star in the heavens and be drawn to Jesus, bearing gifts and worship.

As our anticipation for Christmas nears its climax, we recall that this babe doesn’t stay in the manger. He doesn’t stay a baby. Instead, he is driven far away as Herod seeks his life. He grows in wisdom and in the favor of God, even marveling the teachers in the Temple when he is twelve. As the Nativity of our Lord draws near, we recall that he is our help and our deliverer. That we are weighed down by our sin, but Christ is born to take it up and bestow upon us grace and mercy. And that this is accomplished just outside Jerusalem. Where our Prophet, Priest, and King is affixed to a cross in our place. Where our salvation and righteousness are won.  

Rev. Brent Keller 
Peace Lutheran Church 
Alcester, SD  

©2019 Brent Keller. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com


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Today is the third Sunday in Advent. It is Gaudete Sunday, and you’ll notice the pink, technically rose, candle is lit in the Advent Wreath. Gaudete is the Latin word for Rejoice, which you may remember from the Introit: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand.” (Philippians 4:4-5) We are passing the midway point of Advent and approaching the final turn before the Nativity of Our Lord. Advent is a penitential season, which is part of the reason we use purple paraments. But today, in the midst of this season, we are reminded always to rejoice.

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.” These words were penned by Paul. He writes them while a prisoner. Paul has encountered the risen and ascended Christ sitting on his throne. He is a sinner. He is suffering for doing good. Yet he rejoices in hs Lord, for he had been forgiven and redeemed of hissins on account of Jesus.

Advent invites us to prepare for the coming of our Lord. Not only in his incarnation but in his Second Coming on the Last Day. We do well to think about what we do, what our hobbies are, what our vices may be, and then evaluate any changes we should make.

Advent is a good time to exercise discretion and perhaps bring into our life some exercise of piety or even fasting. It is, indeed, and penitential season. But there is also reason to rejoice. Your Lord, born in a manger, also hangs on a tree. He lives and dies for you. He forgives and redeems you. He washes away your iniquity. He keeps you in his Word and feeds your soul. This is a reason to rejoice!

Rev. Brent Keller 
Peace Lutheran Church 
Alcester, SD  

©2019 Brent Keller. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

Martin Luther, the Sacraments and Faith

During the Middle Ages, the sacraments became a system of good works by which a Christian earned salvation and the forgiveness of sins. Penance especially became torture instead of comfort. The indulgence controversy exposed the way the sacraments were seen as a burden to be borne not gifts to be cherished.

Early in 1519 in a tower experience, Martin Luther came to realize that righteousness is a gift that God gives, not the standard by which he condemns sinners. Salvation, therefore, was a gift held onto by faith. At first he did not realize how this insight changed everything. But change things it did.

The medieval view of sacraments as a way to earn grace no longer made sense. Confirmation, Marriage, ordination and the last rites did not bring the grace of God to Christians. Penance in the strictest sense of that word was a response to forgiveness, not a condition for it. Luther’s friends urged Luther to help everyday people see the Sacraments as comfort.

Five Hundred years ago, Luther began to do that in three sermons on the only three sacraments he could defend from Scripture as means of grace : absolution, baptism and the Lord’s Supper. These sermons had the titles: The Sacrament of Penance (October 1519), The Holy and Blessed Sacrament of Baptism, and The Blessed Sacrament of the Holy and True Body of Christ, and the Brotherhoods.

In the sermon on penance, Luther emphasized that absolution actually forgives sins and reconciled the believer with God. This forgiveness is received by faith and gladdens the heart of the believer. The penance assigned by the priest, rather, reconciles the believer with the Church as is done by the strength which comes from trusting God to keep his promises. Luther also commented that he saw no value in separating sins into two catagories, moral and venial.

The sermon on Baptism divided the sacrament into three parts: the sign of immersing a candidate in water, the beginning of the death of the believers old Adam and faith which relies on the word of God present in the sacrament. For Luther, faith returns to baptism each day and relies on the grace it offers.

In his sermon on the Lord’s Supper, the reformer recommended that laymen be permitted to receive both the bread and the wine. These had been withheld from them by the church at the request of the laity, who feared spilling the blood of Christ.

Luther was not fully satisfied with the way he spoke about the Sacraments in these sermons. In the next year, his A Prelude on the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, the full teaching of these sacraments would take its Lutheran form.

©2019 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

The Righteous Branch of David

The defining moment of the Old Testament was Israel’s deliverance out of Egypt. It had it all. The people witnessed the mighty hand of God passing judgment on the false gods of Egypt, including Pharaoh himself. A lamb was sacrificed and its blood placed on Israelite doors. That same lamb was eaten as the Passover meal was instituted. Just as it seemed the people were ‘home free,’ they found themselves at the Red Sea. And so God again works a miracle and delivered them through it on dry ground and the people have a sort of new birth on the other side.

The people were slaves no more. They were on their way to the land God had promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob centuries before. And so it is no wonder they spoke of the Lord as the one who “brought up the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt.”

Yet maybe the Exodus isn’t the chief thing. In the days of Jeremiah, Israel was a lost nation. Her rulers were evil. Her heart was hard. Her eyes were blind and ears were unhearing. Because of this, exile came and, therefore, the throne of David would be emoty. Nonetheless, even with this awful news of exile, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely. And this is the name by which he will be called: ‘The Lord is our righteousness.’”

The Exodus points to this greatest event. It is a fulfillment of what would come. In the Exodus, God saved his people from the grips of a man who wanted to be God, from a slavery and bondage that they could not free themselves from. God supplied the delivery and the new life on the other side of the water. And he is the one who led the people through hardship in the wilderness to the land promised long before.

Israel in the time of Jeremiah would be exiled and removed from this Promised Land. Because of their sin, idolatry, and disregard for their God, he removed them from the land. They were unrighteous and broke the covenant God made with them. And so they suffered the consequences of it.

But like Adam and Eve in the Garden, they are given hope. Like the Israelites wandering in the wilderness, the faithful remnant was promised deliverance. And so after the appointed amount of time, the people of Judah would return and rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple. But even this return was not the chief event either. It is, however, another shadow of what ws to come. Because from the people who return, God would raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.” And this one who the Lord will send will be called The Lord is our righteousness.”

We know that this Righteous One is none other than Christ himself. It is he that the entire Old Testament points to. The signs, the shadows: they all point to Christ! The promises are fulfilled in Christ.

In the Advent season, we anticipate the celebration of his first coming. — the incarnation of our Lord. He is the answer to the sin of Adam and Eve. He is the redeemer who leads Israel from Egypt. He is the one who freed you from your sin, disobedience, and unfaithfulness. And the reason he comes is to be once and for all sacrifice for your sins. To be your righteousness. Jesus is the True Passover Lamb. He took your place when he ascended the cross, His blood flowed down the beam like the lamb’s did the doorpost. He feeds and nourishes you in His Holy Supper.

And in doing this we see that he is also the one who “brought up and led the offspring of the house of Israel out of the north country and out of all the countries where he had driven them. Then they shall dwell in their own land.” This is another shadow. As we mentioned, God does bring his people back to Jerusalem out of the north. But with the coming of Christ –- his life, his death, his burial and resurrection –- he brings all of his people, the True Israel to himself and the Father.

So as we begin a new church year with Advent, we consider how we should prepare for it. How should you prepare for the first coming of Christ? We prepare in the same way we prepare for his second coming. We Prepare for the Coming Christ by Receiving His Gifts in His Word and Sacraments.

Advent leads us to think about why Jesus was born. He is born in order to die. And so we reflect and give thanks for the Incarnation — for his taking on our flesh and becoming man, for his perfect keeping of God’s holy Law, for teaching us and revealing God’s will, for taking the throne of David and being the all-sufficient sacrifice to redeem us from our sins, for clothing us in His righteousness and for delivering us from sin and death and into life.

But he comes not only in the reading and preaching of his Word, for you know he also comes in his Supper. And so we receive his gift of forgiveness in the Supper. In Egypt, the Passover lamb was sacrificed in place of the firstborn. It was cooked and the family ate it in a meal. It was a shadow of Christ. He is the sacrifice that saves you from your sin and the wrath of God. You are fed and nourished by this Lamb and have your faith strengthened by him.

Finally, we remember the Collect for the first Sunday in Advent. In it, we ask for protection and deliverance. This means we are looking for God to be present and among us. We seek his power and protection now. Because Christ has come, you can be sure that he answers this prayer. He protects you through his Word and his Sacraments. He equips you to live a Christian life. He forgives you when you fail. And he delivers you from evil.

Rev. Brent Keller 
Peace Lutheran Church 
Alcester, SD  

©2019 Brent Keller. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

Ten Bride’s Maids

Marriage customs during the earthly ministry of Jesus were much different than today. The bride waited for the bridegroom in her home, accompanied by her young companions. The groom would come with his own friends and pick her up to lead her to the ceremony. As he approached, the maidens would go out to meet him. A joyful procession would then wind its way through the streets and end up at the place where the marriage feast was prepared. The young women would enter the hall with the rest of the bridal company. Since weddings in those days were celebrated in the evening, the maidens would carry lamps to light their way in the darkness.

In Jesus’ Parable of the Ten Bride’s Maids, the bridegroom was on his way, and the bride’s maids assembled with their lamps. They seek. They wait. They get drowsy. They fall asleep as he is delayed. But then, there’s a clamor. The bridegroom approaches! The ten bride’s maids awake from their slumber. They grab their lamps, trim their wicks, and go to refill the oil which keeps the lamp burning bright. And that’s when the problems start. Five have plenty of oil. They are able to manage their lamps and have them brightly shine like designed. But five have no oil. They are able to prepare their lamps, but can’t use them. Their lights will not shine.

And so these foolish bride’s maids turn to the wise to ask for oil. But the wise bride’s maids brought an extra supply for themselves. They don’t have any to spare. And so the foolish bride’s maids are told to go to the market to buy more. And, despite being the middle of the night and having no merchant to buy from, they go off.

Unsurprisingly, the bridegroom comes while they are away. The wise bride’s maids meet him and process with him to the place the feast has been prepared. They go into the feast, the doors are shut, and the feast commences. Sometime later, the foolish bride’s maids return. They find the door locked and call out, “Lord. Lord, open to us.” But they hear a surprising response: We aren’t told their reaction, but I am sure it was one of total shock.

Jesus’ commentary after the parable should draw our attention today: Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” This parable is spoken to those who are disciples of Jesus. He says, essentially, Keep your eyes peeled.” We are to be aware of what’s going on around us.

When Christ returns, it will be a surprise. Even to those waiting on him. And this is why we are warned. How easy is it for us to think to ourselves that we have all the time in the world? That we will, without doubt, have next year or next decade? How easy it is to become complacent! And when we do, we present to ourselves a very real danger.

Remember that all ten bride’s maids knew about the bridegroom. They all came, seemingly prepared for the wedding. But as things were delayed and drug out, all ten also began to get tired. They did not stand watch or keep vigil. They all slept. And as they slept, the oil burned. As they awoke, some lacked what was essential for light to continue.

The oil of the wise bride’s maids is that of faith. A faith that is continually sustained by the Means of Grace. And with this faith being sustained by what God has given us, Word and Sacrament, the oil of faith endures. Even as we await the return of our Lord, so has every generation of Christians for over 2,000 years. All have waited. All have sat and heard the word and partook of the Sacraments. And each generation has fallen asleep.

But one day, whenever it is, there will be a cry. All who have fallen asleep will awake. And those with oil, those with faith, will trim their lamps and shine brightly as they process to the wedding banquet. But on the other hand, those who awake without the oil of faith will know what they lack and seek it.

But that’s the rub. One’s ‘oil’ is only useable by the one who has it. It cannot be loaned or transferred. Faith can’t be infused to another, no matter how much I would like it to be so. And so in this morning’s parable, we are warned against growing weary of waiting for the return of our Lord. We are warned against growing complacent and being distracted. We are warned against neglecting our faith and being endangered with the loss of our faith.

Jesus Christ, our bridegroom, is coming. We have all been invited to be a part of the wedding party. We gather in anticipation of his arrival. And while he comes soon, we do not know when that is. And so we strive to remain prepared. Being washed clean in Holy Baptism, we sit and hear his word. We eat and drink his body and blood. In doing so, our Lord fills our horn of oil. And we await his arrival, that we may walk with him along the way to the eternal marriage feast between our Lord and his bride: Us. The Church.

Rev. Brent Keller 
Peace Lutheran Church 
Alcester, SD  

©2019 Brent Keller. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

Friedrich Wyneken Called to Baltimore

On November 20, 1844, 175 years ago, missionary pastor Friedrich Wyneken received a call to serve St. Paul Lutheran congregation of Baltimore. After much correspondence, and on the condition that Baltimore wait for him until another pastor was called to Fort Wayne, Wyneken accepted the call. He nominated Wilhelm Sihler to be his successor in Indiana. His two parishes extended the call to Dr. Sihler, who accepted it. Wyneken left the instruction of three candidates for the ministry to his successor. Their education continued to impress the importance of theological education to their instructor, who strongly encoraged both Dr. Sihler and Pastor Wilhelm Löhe to establish a seminary in Fort Wayne. In February of 1845, Pastor Wyneken preached his farewell sermon in Indiana and moved on to Baltimore, arriving in March of 1845.

Friedrich Wyneken was familiar with this parish. When he first set foot in America, he had substituted for their pastor Johannes Häsbärt. His direct, sincere and compassionate care of the members made such an impression on Häsbärt that the pastor personally recommended Wyneken for missionary service in the West. Very likely the members of St. Paul’s remembered that care also.

In his new parish, Pastor Wyneken continued his program of catechesis in Lutheran doctrine and practice. His first series of sermons at Baltimore focused on the differences between Reformed and Lutheran theology, for which he used Luther’s Catechisms and the Heidelberg Catechism as a text. While substantial group of Reformed members of his new congregation withdrew in anger, many of the people
wholeheartedly received Wyneken and welcomed his instruction.

At Baltimore, Wyneken added opposition to fraternal lodges to his arsenal of apologetics. The lodge movement was strong in Baltimore and several of Wyneken’s parishioners had joined one or another. After a thorough study of these movements, he became convinced that membership in a lodge was incompatible with Christianity. Through his witness, he brought the issue to the attention of confessional Lutheranism.

©2019 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

The King and the Unforgivable Debt

Jesus teaches his disciples about forgiveness with a parable about a king who decided to settle the accounts of his servants. One of the servants was brought before the master. he owed Ten thousand talents. A talent was about 20 years’ worth of wages.The math works out to a debt of $11.2 billion. Obviously, he can’t pay it back. And since he can’t, the king decides to sell the man, his family, and all he has. He and his family shall be slaves until they die.

The man throws himself at the feet of the king. He begs for patience and promises that he will pay back this insurmountable debt. Hearing the cry of this servant, the king has compassion. He cancels the debt. Imagine being this forgiven man! What joy you must feel! Surely you would go and rejoice with your family, maybe even have a feast in the honor of your king to extol his mercy, his grace, his salvation for you and your family!

Yet, the man in the parable doesn’t do any of that. In fact, he immediately goes and finds one of his fellow servants who happened to owe him money. The debt? One hundred denarii — about $15,000, so a substantial amount of money. But nowhere near a single talent of the 10,000 he owed his king. And like the servant did before his king, this fellow servant falls on his face and pleads, “Have patience with me, and I will pay you.”

Instead, the forgiven man throws his debtor into debtor’s prison. The news quickly gets to the benevolent king. The forgiven servant is again summoned before the king. The king said: “You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me. And should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?”

In his anger, the king delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debts. The jailers here aren’t the jailers we think of today. They aren’t just making sure you don’t escape. These jailers are oppressive and often torture their prisoners. Their job is to exact torture and pain. And this man will be under them until all – every cent – of his debt is repaid. He will never get out.

We, too, are God’s debtors. Our debt is sin. We constantly and continually wrack up our debt of sin. A debt that we are hopeless to pay. We also find ourselves before our King, before God. Our debt of sin warrants being thrown into prision. It warrants oppressive jailers who exact pain and torture until every sin is paid for. Being helpless to pay anything back and knowing what we deserve, we plead for mercy.

Christ our king has compassion for us, his Creation. He forgives every sin and debt that we have wracked up against him. Our Lord and Savior bears a great cost of suffering by dying in our place. And in doing so, our sin is forgiven. Our debt is erased because of the cruel oppression and torture exacted on Jesus Christ. We stand before our God and Father forgiven and cleansed from our sin. And knowing what it took to cleanse us of our iniquities, we fear, love, and trust in him above all things. And part of that fear, love, and trust is to forgive those who trespass against us.

Now, we who are forgiven much are to love much. In the Lord’s Prayer, we pray: “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” We get to show the mercy we have received to others. It is why we freely forgive and do good for those who sin against us. And why, as we prayed, our faithful Lord grants that what we ask in faith we obtain.

Rev. Brent Keller 
Peace Lutheran Church 
Alcester, SD  

©2019 Brent Keller. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

Sermon on John 4:46-54

21st Sunday after Trinity

10 November 2019

Peace Lutheran Church

Alcester, South Dakota

Text: At … Capernaum there was an official whose son was ill. When this man heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to him and asked him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. So Jesus said to him, “Unless you all see signs and wonders you will not believe.” The official said to him, “Sir, come down before my child dies.” Jesus said to him, “Go; your son will live.” The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and went on his way. As he was going down, his servants met him and told him that his son was recovering … And he himself believed, and all his household.”

Intro: For hundreds of years, God’s people had been waiting for the coming of the Messiah. The prophets gave them signs to look for. So naturally, that was what they looked for. For them, seeing would be believing. They looked so hard that they missed them. The virgin had conceived and born a son. Emmanuel was with them. The Messiah had even added a few bonus signs: he turned water to wine, gave a record catch to fishermen. The man in our lesson today did not miss these things. He came to the Messiah for his son to be well and trusted Jesus when he told the man it would happen. He had faith in Jesus. Believing soon became seeing.

  1. Faith is trusting God to keep his promises
    1.  It is not putting our faith in signs
    2.  It is not expecting God to make us well
    3.  It is not about getting everything we want
    4. It is about putting ourselves into his hands, knowing he will care for us
    5. It is about believing that God will save us.
  2.  At just the right time, Jesus became man
    1.  He lived in every way like us – except he did not sin
    2. He suffered and died on the cross to pay for our lack of faith
    3. He won for us eternal life, where there will be no suffering, grief or pain.
    4. We can go our way, confident that we are in his care.

Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:30–31, ESV)

©2019 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

How Did We Get the Bible?

Encore Post: When we think about the Bible today, we think about it as one book. And so it is. God is the author of all of Holy Scriptures. He spoke though his prophets, evangelists, apostles and — most importantly — his Son. (Hebrews 1:1-2) It has a single theme: how God saved the world by sending his Son to die for us.

Yet in most languages the word for Bible is plural — Biblia — books! In fact, when we call the Word of God the Holy Scriptures you can see that even in English. Scriptures is plural too! The Bible is a library of sixty-six books written over a period of about 1500 years. At first they were written literally in stone and clay tablets. Later they were recorded on papyrus (paper made from reeds that grow along the Nile River) and on animal skins, rolled into scrolls. Copies were made by hand, one by one, a scholar carefully copying it letter by letter. Later the whole thing would be memorized and passed from one teacher to his students.

At the time of Jesus’ ministry, a new form of the book took form. Rather than roll a book up on spindles, small segments were sewed together along one edge creating a codex — the form with which we are most familiar. It was easier to carry, to page through and to read. To make many copies, one person would read it from a desk called a lecturn — a reading stand — and multiple scribes would carefully write it down word for word.

At first the words of Jesus were memorized by his disciples and hearers. It was a part of the way rabbis taught. They would perhaps also take notes on Roman wax tablets from which they would later copy. After a period of time the Evangelists (literally translated gospelists) would bring these together with their own testimony and that of others to produce books from which the faith could be taught. The rest of the New Testament are letters written mostly by St. Paul, St. Peter and St. John, to pass instructions and encouragement to growing churches far away. The ones the church recognized as the very words of God were copied and collected into codices (plural of codex) and carried wherever the Gospel would be preached.

Eventually the Word of God would be translated into many languages and copied in numbers greater than any other book in history. When the printing press came into being, the first book printed was — you guessed it — the Bible. Now everyone could afford to buy one. In our age, the Bible continues to be the most translated and printed book. Yet it also now is in electronic form. It is easier than ever to read, learn and hear God’s own message to you.

©2019 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com