Encore Post: A Wonderful thing happened when the angel announced Christ’s birth to the shepherds.
If this birth had been proclaimed to the nobles of this world; If the shepherds had measured themselves against the standard of these important fellows; If the shepherds had compared to royal wisdom and wealth, they would have been afraid, because power frightens and wisdom intimidates people.
If Christ had come with trumpets sounding; If he had a cradle of gold, His birth would have been a stately thing. But it wouldn’t comfort me.
So, He had to lie in a poor girl’s lap and be scarcely noticed by the world. In that lap I can come to see Him; In this way, He now reveals Himself to the distressed. Yes, He would’ve had greater fame, if He’d have come in great power, splendor, wisdom and high class. Yet, He will come some day, in another way, when He comes to oppose the great nobles. But now He comes to the poor, who need a Savior.
— Martin Luther
Sermon on Christmas Day 1530
Translated by Robert E. Smith
Pastor Emeritus
Translation: ©2022 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com
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