Encore Post: Ever since Jesus ascended to Heaven, Christians have wondered when He would return. We look forward to the day when He will bring an end to sin, sickness, sorrow, grief, pain, and death. Every day horrible things happen and we wonder whether this could be the day He comes back.
In every generation, some people thought that they had figured out the secret. They read the prophecies of the Bible and try to match events in their lifetime to the symbols in them. They do the math and come up with a day. But the Bible is not a giant math problem where you put the right events into the equation and get a date. In fact, all the signs of the end of days were fulfilled at the time the last books of the Bible were written. We are in the last days and have been for 2000 years.
Jesus warned us about such dreaming. He told us that no one knows the day or the hour of his return. So, we are to be ready for him. He will come for us — at the end of time or the end of our times. We do not know which will come first or when it will happen. The reason we do not know when He will return is God wants us always to be ready. He wants us to love Him and take care of each other every day, not just the day we think is the end of time or the day we will die. When things are hard in our lives, Jesus wants us to know that He will fix it all one day. We can then face these things, knowing it will not be forever.
Instead, the sure and certain hope of the resurrection of the dead comforts us. On that day, sin will be removed from us forever. There will be no more grief, sorrow, sickness, or pain. At the call of the voice of Jesus, we will rise from the grave, body and soul reunited, our bodies transformed into a glorious body, like the one Jesus has, fit to live forever. It will be as God intended it forever. It is why we join the church of all times, places, races, languages calling out, “Come, Lord Jesus, come!”
Rev. Robert E. Smith
Pastor Emeritus
Fort Wayne, Indiana
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