Diagnosing a Problem

In the past few days and weeks, I have been pondering a specific topic. I have been thinking about where society has gone and how quickly it fell. We see the symptoms of sin all around us, but still sixty years ago there was a common morality amongst the majority of people. What happened?

I believe we can go look back at when people stopped believing Scripture to be God’s Word and see that as the moment in which society began to fall apart. Now fewer and fewer people hold to the premise that the Bible is the Word of God.

In the modern era, the first questions were about the miracles that Jesus did, or the miracles presented in the Bible in general. Did Jesus really feed the 5000? How did Jesus heal leprosy? And what about Jonah? Jesus’ rose from the dead? Many of these things were said to be mythological and not in fact the truth. Rudolph Bultmann led the charge in the 1930s and 40s.  This is somewhat reminiscent of Thomas Jefferson and his bible. Jefferson cut out any miracle that occurred because he was unable to rationalize it. For Bultmann and Jefferson before him they still saw the words of Jesus as somewhat authoritative and something to give moral guidance.

However, there was a problem. For as much as they desired to “find” the words of Jesus in the midst of the miracles and build those up, they were undercutting the foundation of the faith! Those who followed them not only continued to question and deny the miracles spoken of in the Bible, but now the very words of Jesus were also in question. Are they really Jesus’ words? And who really is Jesus? And why should his words matter to us when it comes to morality?

This my friends is where we find ourselves now. For the decades and many more years of doubting and denying the Bible to be God’s Word, and Jesus Christ being the Son of God in the Flesh, we now are in a time where the very ground of our common morality has receded. If people deny that their existence comes about because of creating and sustaining God, there is no authority higher than themselves by which to be governed. If that’s the case then there is no morality, except for “do what is right in your own eyes.” Hence why abortion is seen as a right to be granted at all costs, and marriage can be between two men, two women, or in some states, multiple persons. Of course, these are two of the big hot button issues, but it’s also the reason for no fault divorce too.

What is extremely saddening is that there are churches who deny Scripture as God’s Word and follow the world in this push for personal morality. When we fail to believe that the Bible is God’s Word, we will ultimately not believe a single piece of it including the very point that each person is made in the image of God and thus is deserving of dignity and love. Hence why we have so many divisions. In this sinful day and age only certain lives appear to matter because of our sinful and stubborn hearts.

What do we do? First, we all ought to repent and confess of our sins of failing to trust in the words of our Lord. Then, be forgiven by the Lord Jesus Christ who did indeed die and rise from the dead, and live in that reality and see our neighbors as those for whom Christ died and rose for as well. Let’s get back to trusting that the words and deeds of Jesus as presented in the Bible are true. Let’s get back to knowing Jesus as He confesses Himself to be: The very Son of the Father. Let us read the Bible as it is: God’s Word. The sooner we do the better it is for all lives.

Rev. Jacob Hercamp 
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 
La Grange, MO   

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