Encore Post: Jesus had quite a bit to say about his return. The signs that we are in the last days are clear. He will return suddenly, so be ready! The angels will descend, the dead will come to life again, we will all gather before his judgment throne. The lost will then be thrown with the devil and his angels into hell and we will go with him to live forever. But where is talk about the Tribulation and the Millennium? Jesus never speaks about a seven-year period of special punishment of the world for their sins or an earthly reign at the end of time, much less a thousand year one. So where does the talk of a millennium on Christian radio, in endless end time and prophecy books come from?
The concepts of the Rapture, the Great Tribulation and a one thousand-year reign of Christ prior to the final judgment are less than 200 years old. John Nelson Darby first taught the idea that faithful Christians would be “raptured” — removed from the world at the end of the current age just as God poured out his wrath in a seven year “Great Tribulation” when the Anti-Christ would rule and severely persecute people who became Christians — mostly Jewish people. At the end of this period, Christ was to return to rule the world for 1000 years. After that he was to judge the world, condemning the lost, the devil and his angels to hell, while the saints will live with God forever.
These views, popularized by the Scofield Reference Bible and evangelical authors, became an established theology among Fundamentalist, Evangelical and independent Protestant Churches. Some pastors and evangelists speculated that current events fulfilled Biblical prophecies, treating the Bible like a giant algebra problem. Some even set a date for the rapture — and recalculated when the prediction failed. Yet the whole view of the end is not true.
All of the signs Jesus taught apply to all the time between the Ascension of Jesus and his return at the end of time. No one knows the day or the hour of his return (Mark 13:32). It will be a normal day like any other — until it is not. (Luke 17:26-35) Jesus calls on us to stay awake. We do not know when he is coming for us — at the end of days — or the end of our days. Either way, we should be about what God has called us to do, so when he comes to take us home, we are ready to greet him.
Rev. Robert E. Smith
Concordia Theological Seminary
Fort Wayne, Indiana
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