Encore Post: When Jesus entered Jerusalem, it was through a gate that opened into the temple. In the Court of the Gentiles, he saw many businessmen in booths they set up to sell goods to the pilgrims arriving for Passover. In Jesus’ day, the High Priestly family allowed businessmen to sell sacrificial animals there, just outside the temple proper. They would, of course, do this for very high prices and pay the High Priestly family for the privilege.
Another business, money changing, also went on in this area. Roman money bore images of the Emperor and pagan gods. These could not be carried into the temple, the High Priests ruled, since they broke the first commandment. Naturally, these moneychangers would charge a fee to change money into temple money.
When Jesus arrived, he saw this going on. He saw it for what it was — stealing from God’s people as they came to worship. He drove these people out of the temple with a whip made of cords. This made a deep impression on the people — and stiffened the resolve of the priests to see him killed.
After he did this, Jesus and his disciples returned to Bethany, likely to spend the night with Mary, Martha and Lazarus.
Encore Post: You may have discovered that Christians value Baptism a lot. Yet there are few subjects that the various Christian traditions disagree about more. Catholics believe baptism is a means of grace that removes original sin and forgives all actual sins committed before baptism. It does not forgive sins committed after that — for that you need to go to confession, be absolved and do penance. For many Protestants, it is a work you do in obedience to God’s command, showing you’ve accepted Jesus as your personal savior. For others, it is just a meaningful symbol of salvation.
Lutherans believe that baptism is a means of grace, one of the ways, instituted by Jesus himself, God uses to save us. (Matthew 28:19) It combines the Gospel of Christ’s saving obedience, suffering, death and resurrection with water to wash away our sins. (Ephesians 5:25-27, Titus 3:4-7) It is God himself who does the baptizing, using human hands.
Like the other means of grace, Baptism creates faith in hearts where there is none and strengthens faith where it exists. Baptism also marks us with the name of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It makes us his children and heirs — heirs with Christ.
Finally, it is an undeniable declaration that we are saved. Why? Because we had nothing to do with it. In most cases, it is written in record books we can see and in all cases is written in the Book of Life. When Satan tries to cause us to doubt our salvation, we can tell him: “get lost! I am baptized.” Nothing can separate us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. And where he is, we will also be.
Those words are a good indicator that was or is about to be said shouldn’t be said, heard, shared, or thought about. The 8th Commandment is among the top ten commandments of the Lord. It applies to all Christians and unbelievers at all times. Yes, the 8th commandment is just as forceful as the prohibitions against murder (5th Commandment) or adultery (6th Commandment). Sadly, we Christians often grant ourselves a pass in the use of our words, thinking they can do no harm.
“I Just Thought You Should Know.” “Someone needs to hear this.” “So-and-so didn’t say I could share this, but…” “People are saying…” “I can’t say who said this, but…” The list of creative pardons from and side steps around the 8th never cease to grow. We’ll explain ourselves out from under the accusation of God’s Law as quick as a hopped-up 2JZ (ask your grandkids). These “little sins” are lower in our minds, more deserving of exception. It’s not murder after all, right?
St. Paul gives us some great framing about the severity of individual sins in his epistle to the Galatian Christians. “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (Galatians 5:19-21) He includes sexual immorality, idolatry, jealousy, envy, and drunkenness into a single list with other sins. He’s teaching that persistence in these seemingly big or little sins will separate us from the Kingdom of God, just the same.
In his Small Catechism, Martin Luther explains the commandments in an expansive way like our Lord did. Jesus taught the disciples concerning the 5th and 6th Commandments, expanding the limits to include anger and lust under murder and adultery (Matthew 5:21-30).
The first application for us is our own tongues. We should not say or spread anything that could harm our neighbor. A simple way to think about it might be: am I authorized by the original source/subject of the information to speak? No or maybe not? Then, don’t speak of, hint at, or allude to the thing you know.
In the second case, our ears are the problem. We should not listen to anything that may not be suitably spread. Again simply, are Abigail or Thom authorized by the original source/subject of the information to speak? No or maybe not? Then, don’t listen, step away, and speak in defense of your neighbor.
Third, We can’t let our minds gossip within us either. What does that even mean? Speculating on the thoughts, motivations, or unheard words of my neighbor is just like gossiping to myself. I’m not allowed to malign my neighbor that way either, even just in my own mind.
The fourth error against the 8th commandment falls in my desire to use a town crier in a positive way. We might think to ourselves, “I don’t want to speak about this. So, I’ll tell Bjørn. He’s unable to keep his mouth shut. And, I won’t have to say it myself.” Encouraging Bjørn in his sin is still an evil thing for me to do. It can’t be made righteous.
In the Fifth case, there can be no anonymous complaints among Christians. Both Matthew 18 & the 8th Commandment forbid anonymity. We don’t get to skip past confronting those who have maligned us, or hand it off to someone else.
“Can’t I ever rat out my neighbor in Christian way?” No, but there is a Christian way to confront sin. Are you directly confronting the one sinning against you? Yes? Then within the framing of Matthew 18, we find the right way to confront sin against us.
“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.” (Matthew 18:15-17)
When the sin is against you, then you should confront your neighbor and escalate in this way. The point here is not to expose our neighbor. The point is to turn then from their sin. As soon as they repent, forgiveness must follow. The discussion is also over. We don’t get to confess out neighbor’s sins. There is no room for, “Quentin apologized, but you need to know what he did to me…” Curbing our wicked tongues is prob’ly among the most difficult of Christian disciplines. It is one we need to undertake to better serve and love our neighbor.
Things We Say
The first application for us is our own tongues. We should not say or spread anything that could harm our neighbor. The commandment isn’t limited to speaking truth. Also, we are to put the best construction on everything, to protect and defend our neighbor’s good name.
Am I authorized by the original source/subject of the information to speak? To that let’s add: will sharing this information help my neighbor and improve their reputation? Usually, the answer is no. We are often aware of this.
“I’d like to tell you something. … Please don’t share this with anyone right now. … I appreciate your prayers.” That sort of framing around some personal information shared in common conversation reveals the sinful weakness within the house of Christianity. If we were any good at the eighth commandment, it would never need to be said this way. Furthermore, if we defaulted to silence rather than over-sharing, there would be no need.
Instead, we frame our sharing and request for brotherly Christian prayer with a restriction. “Don’t share this,” still, it gets out. Did you hear that concealment just now? Like a headline identifying an SUV as the cause of an accident or a handgun as the cause of a shooting, the culprit is excused. The SUV didn’t plow into a crowd. It was driven by a human acting maliciously or negligently. The gun didn’t go off on its own. A person acting negligently or maliciously pulled the trigger, firing the weapon. The same is true of the leak of a piece of private confidence.
“It gets out” means someone acting alone or with co-conspirators violated confidence. Worse, we violated God’s 8th commandment. It got out because I said it. It got out because you said it. It got out because trust and God’s Law weren’t on our hearts and lips. There is nothing that needs to be shared or said without clear permission to do so. The only information emergencies involve crimes and the police. Anything else is just evil gossip.
Things We Hear
In the second case, our ears are the problem. We should never hear anything that could harm our neighbor’s reputation. The commandment isn’t limited to hearing only the truth. We are also bound not to hear anything lacking the best construction, or leave uncharitable speaking uncontested. This requires of us a conscious response to the gossiper or concerning the gossip. A passive response isn’t adequate.
Consider these questions: Are Ainsley or Thom authorized by the original source/subject of the information to speak? Were Thom or Ainsley given a letter, but not permission to share it? Most often the case is, no. Then, don’t listen, step away, and speak in defense of your neighbor.
We aren’t granted to just wait it out. I may resolutely change the subject, and stop it from coming back up. You may condemn the gossip or contradict the poor inference. You should say, “this is gossip.” Or, “they could easily be driven by [a positive motive].” We could also physically leave the conversation. “Sorry, I can’t listen to this gossip.”
These are not options for us in fleeing from sin: Hear Ainsley out, because someone needs to know what she’s saying. Listen to what Thom says, so it can be reported back to the victim. Listen to them, but try not to pay attention. Avoid conflict by not reacting poorly to my neighbor’s obvious sin.
Why is it that we grant the sinful gossip latitude that we would never grant to someone else in another sin? Why do we compound their sinful tongues with our sinful ears and the encouragement they bring? We’re afraid of being unliked. We want to be thought of well, to the detriment of our neighbor’s good name.
We would never stand by while someone murders, harms, or expresses genuine hatred toward someone else, would we? We would never watch our friend steal a car, would we? We shouldn’t help a husband or wife create a lie to facilitate an adulterous tryst, should we? In the same way, we can’t allow gossip to enter our ears. We can’t allow it to hang in the air either.
What Will People Say?
Third, We can’t let our minds gossip within us either. What does that even mean? Speculating on the thoughts, motivations, or unheard words of my neighbor is just like gossiping to myself. I’m not allowed to malign my neighbor that way either, even just in my own mind.
When we speculate about our neighbors’ inward thoughts, we give in to the worst construction. Rather than interpreting everything in the kindest way, you choose to assume the worst reaction and respond to an unspoken, unknown deed. When I impugn my neighbors’ thoughts, I harm his good name in my mind. The commandment requires that we protect the name and reputation of our neighbor, even from ourselves.
This inward talking, concern over what people might say or think, is also a kind of idolatry. Usually, this kind of crass idolatry doesn’t even have an external god. It looks inward to the self. The imaginary opinion of our neighbor drives us in a desire to obtain or maintain respect or adoration. It’s a reflexive worship of self.
The fourth error against the 8th commandment falls in my desire to use a town crier in a positive way. We might think to ourselves, “I don’t want to speak about this. So, I’ll tell Bjørn. He’s unable to keep his mouth shut. And, I won’t have to say it myself.” Encouraging Bjørn in his sin is still an evil thing for me to do. It can’t be made righteous.
We speak at great length about how we cannot bless our neighbor’s sin into righteousness. Liberal sects calling themselves Christian publicly reject the Bible’s clear teachings on divorce, adultery, homosexuality, God’s gift of gender/sex, and the like. These attempts to bless sin reject God’s Word. The same thing applies to my neighbor’s 8th commandment sin. I can’t use his weakness to this sin against him, separating him from the Lord. This is hatred of my neighbor.
In the Fifth case, there can be no anonymous complaints among Christians. Both Matthew 18 & the 8th Commandment forbid anonymity. The sinner cannot be confronted by anyone, but the one who was maligned; just the two of you. Then, bring one or two others with you to confront your neighbor.
We don’t get to skip step one by dropping an anonymous letter in the office. We don’t get to skip step one and gossip to someone else, who will offer our anonymous complaint. Anonymity ignores Matthew 18 entirely. These sorts of discussions ought to die in the air. The letters are only fit for the rubbish heap or the fire.
How are we to speak? Can we say nothing? Let’s hear Luther’s Small Catechism again. “We should fear and love God so that we … defend [our neighbor], speak well of him, and explain everything in the kindest way.” Your neighbor’s good name is yours to defend. And, your good name is theirs.
Our Lord died to purchase forgiveness for our evil, gossiping tongues. Rise each day in that forgiveness and sin no more. Jesus was crucified for our evil ears, and the things they hear. Remember your baptism, you’re not a slave to your former sins.
Let our tongues only be used to praise God and uplift our neighbor.
Rev. Jason M. Kaspar Sole Pastor Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church & Preschool La Grange, TX
Encore Post: The Roman Catholics have seven sacraments. Lutherans have two (or maybe three). Protestants of a variety of confessions have none. The reason why the list differs is because each has a different definition of sacrament. The word is from Latin and literally means “holy things.” It was used by Jerome in the Vulgate, the Latin version of the Bible used by the Catholic Church, to translate the Greek word μυστήριον (mystery), a word for the saving truths of the Christian faith.
The Church came to use it for the ways God gives his grace to his children. The Roman Catholic Church lists seven sacraments: Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Penance, Marriage, Ordination and Anointing of the Sick (Last rites)
Lutherans, following Martin Luther, use a narrower definition. For us, a sacrament is something that Jesus instituted, that God uses to give us his grace and so create faith and save us and that combines God’s promise with a physical element (water in Baptism, bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper) Lutheran theologians sometimes have included Absolution, where God forgives the sins of his people through the voice of a pastor. Because Absolution does not use a physical element, Martin Luther and other Lutheran theologians have been reluctant to list it as a sacrament.
We treasure the sacraments because they are gifts from God. They are objective and outside of ourselves. Because they do not depend upon us, but upon Christ who gives them, we are absolutely certain that in them we receive God’s grace, that we are saved, that he forgives our sins, that we are his children and that we will live with him forever.
For us, this changes why we go to church on Sundays and other days. We don’t go because we are doing something for God but because God has done something for us and wants to give us gifts. Here is the strength to live life in the struggle against the world, the devil and our flesh. Because of these gifts, we have the strength to do good works. For these gifts we thank him and give our lives over to his service and to care for others.
Encore Post: Amen is a word from the Hebrew language that we teach even to smallest of our children. It is a word of agreement. It means “this is true” or “I agree.” We use it at the end of every prayer — so much so our children think it means, “we’re done praying now.” Martin Luther explains that, when we say amen, we’re saying “yes, yes, it will be so” or “it is most certainly true.”
Christians pray the Lord’s Prayer because it is unlike any other. God himself wrote this prayer. To all other prayers, God may say :”Yes,” “No” or “Wait.” We can be absolutely sure not only that he will hear and answer this prayer, but that he will say “yes” to it. The requests we make in it are promises from God and he will do these things. We can plan our lives around this prayer, knowing that our lives will end when he takes us to be with him forever.
Some Christians turn prayer and faith into some kind of magic formula. They teach that Jesus wants us to be healthy, wealthy and prosperous. If we believe we will have the things we desire, all we need to do is pray for them and act as if they already have come true and God has to do it for us. When we do not get what we want, the prosperity preachers tell us we didn’t believe strongly enough. They miss the truth that God works not only through blessing, but that he uses suffering to strengthen our faith. In the end, their faith is a false faith. Rather than being compassionate it is cruel. It blames victims for the things that harm them.
But God is more than a cosmic vending machine. He is our father and wants what is best for us. He works tirelessly to care for us, to provide for us and to bring us safely home to him. He is also not a distant God, watching us from a distance. In his Son, Jesus, he became one of us, suffered the trials and evils of this world with us, suffered, died and rose again to bring an end to sin, sorrow, grief, pain and the power of the devil. He will return at the end of days to raise our bodies from the dust and restore us and all creation. In the meantime, we pray the Lord’s Prayer and say amen to it, knowing he is eager to care for us.
Encore Post: “Lead us not into temptation” is the one petition in the Lord’s Prayer that puzzles some Christians. God loves us, so why would he set us up to be tempted? That instinct is very good. The Book of James explains: “Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.” (James 1:13-15)
Part of the problem is the word “temptation” has changed since it was first used in the Middle Ages in the English version of the Lord’s Prayer. To tempt means to test someone to see what they will do. In modern English, we think of it to mean to lure someone into doing evil. The other problem is that, as we’ve seen with the other parts of this prayer, that we forget that God already does this. He already makes his name holy, his kingdom already comes to us and will come to us, his will already is done on earth and in heaven, he already gives us daily bread and forgives us. So, of course, he already does not lead us into temptation, but delivers us from evil. We pray so that he will guard us and strengthen us when our enemies tempt us to sin. They are the unholy trinity — the World, the Devil and our flesh — our sinful desires. Many Christians make the sign of the cross when they pray this petition, reminding them that because of the death of Jesus on the cross, God promises to do this — and does.
God allows testing of our faith because it strengthens us. We often do not know why God tests us in particular, but it has the effect of taking away from us anything we might trust other than God and his promises. Yet even though God will let these things challenge us, he promises to give us the strength to withstand it. (1 Corinthians 10:13) We remember that Jesus was tempted in every way that we are, except he did not sin. (Hebrews 4:15) So, we pray that we withstand temptation and remain faithful until the day we are with him forever.
Encore Post: Forgiveness is simple, really. You tell someone they do not need to pay you back something they owe you. It is sometimes the hardest thing you’ll ever do, when the thing you need to forgive is a deep hurt. What God is calling on you to do is let it go. When we pray to have our sins forgiven, God wants us to remember he is releasing you from the debt you owe him and wants you to do the same.
The Greek word Jesus used (ἄφες) in the Lord’s Prayer for forgive literally means “to loose, to release, to let go.” In financial terms, it is used to write off a debt and not expect repayment. We daily rebel against God’s will, break his law — sometimes deliberately. Worse, we were born that way. Even though every non-Christian religion tells us we can repay that debt — we cannot. We rack up even more debt faster than we could possibly repay. But God loved us and in Jesus suffered and died to pay that debt in full.
When others hurt us, deliberately or not, the pain can eat us up. If we hold on to that debt day after day, year after year, it can cast a shadow over the rest of our life. When we pray that God forgive us, knowing he already has, it can give us strength to forgive others. That is why we pray to be forgiven — so that we can forgive others.
Encore Post: In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus teaches us not only how to pray, but what to pray for. Out of all the petitions he invites us to bring to the Father, only one talks about physical needs. So far, we’ve prayed for God’s name to be made holy, his kingdom to come, his will to be done. We will also pray to be forgiven, spared from temptation and to be delivered from evil. Into this one petition, Jesus packs all of our physical needs for food, shelter, health, good government — in short — happy lives. This is very different from what we actually pray for. Our everyday struggles fill our prayers. Only occasionally do we get around to praying for spiritual blessings.
Why is this? To begin with, it is not wrong to pray for such things. This petition, in fact, invites us to do so. Also, Jesus very often calls on us to be persistent in prayer, to bring all our needs to God, to cast our cares on him. Prayer, in fact, is all about our relationship with the Father. What it is about is a matter of perspective.
Just like a good earthly father, God is at work providing for our daily needs. A small child does not see his father’s hard labor to make a living. How he pays the bills to keep the utilities on and put away money for education. She doesn’t see how he and her mother go to the store to buy food, tend a garden, buy or sew clothes and much more. All these he does because he loves her, even when she isn’t a model of sweet behavior. Yet he and her mother delights when the child comes and endlessly asks for these things.
So, God works to provide everything we need. We pray for them so that we remember all that he does for us, so that we do not worry about such things and so that we can focus on the work he gives us to do. It encourages us to remember how Jesus laid down his life for us, died for our sins and rose from the dead. In our greatest need, he provided what we most need — forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. When we pray for what we need, we see how he gives them to us and remember they are not so important. It allows us to remember that life is forever, and he will always care for us and be with us, in life, through death and into the life to come.
Encore Post: Why does God want us to pray for his will to be done? After all, God can do anything he wants to do. When he speaks, it is done. He loves us, cares for us and wants only good for us. He promises to answer our prayer. Yet Jesus tells us to pray, “thy will be done.”
As with other aspects of God’s nature, the limits of our nature make the mystery of God’s will impossible to understand fully. God’s will will be done eventually, but in this world it is often not done. We can choose to do things our own way. With the world we often rebel against it. We sometimes do not understand why he allows evil to happen to us. Sometimes we do not even know what God wants us to do.
So, when we ask God for something that he does not promise to do unconditionally, we often pray “if it is your will.” this kind of prayer helps us to accept what God wants for us and trust it will be for our good. In that we have good company. Jesus himself prays that way in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Matthew 26:42). Because he made the Father’s will his own, his sacrifice saved us. Now we pray that God will make his will our own will.
Encore Post: When we pray the Lord’s Prayer we state our hope and belief that God’s Kingdom is different than the kingdoms of the world. As Jesus says to Pontius Pilate, “My Kingdom is not of this world.” But certainly it has entered into this world now and the world will see it in all its fullness when Jesus returns to judge both the living and the dead.
God’s Kingdom comes to us a couple of ways. God’s Kingdom comes to us through the Proclamation of the Word and Faith. Another way to say it is that God’s Kingdom comes to us when and where Jesus promises to be for the forgiveness of our sins in the divine service. Finally, what we see currently only by faith will be unveiled to the world, and God’s Kingdom will be fully known.
God’s Kingdom is not like the Kingdoms of the world. God’s Kingdom is a spiritual kingdom and it must be distinguished from the civil realm. God works in terms of the Gospel, that in Jesus Christ’s death on the cross atones for the sins of the world. Currently God’s Kingdom looks quite humble. Even the King rides to his throne on a donkey, not some regal warhorse. His crown in this world was one of thorns. He governs not with an iron fist, but through his ministers who are called to preach His Gospel and administer his gifts- namely Baptism, Bread and Wine, His body and Blood- to his faithful.
The civil realm as we are all able to look around works in terms of fear and power, certainly not the Gospel but rather Law. Of course, as we pray this petition we also express the desire for the Lord to bless our civil kingdoms (government) with His mercy and grace that we might live in peace. And we should obey the laws of the government as long as obeying the laws does not cause us to sin. We also acknowledge rightly that God does not intend to use the Gospel to overthrow secular government and public order. We reject that before the resurrection of the dead, saints and righteous people will possess a secular kingdom.
So, we as Christians see ourselves in two kingdoms. And we continue to pray this petition as fervently as ever in anticipation when the Lord will return to usher and reveal His Kingdom fully.
Rev. Jacob Hercamp Christ Lutheran Church Noblesville, Indiana