Last Things 7e: Persecution of the Church

Encore Post: Jesus repeatedly warned his disciples that they would be hated for his sake. Already in the Beatitudes, Jesus tells them they will be blessed when they are persecuted and slandered for his sake, for they have the kingdom of heaven and are like the prophets before them. (Matthew 5:10-12) He tells them to be a disciple means to take up their cross and follow him. (Matthew 16:24-26) The enemies of Jesus and his gospel would arrest you and throw you in prison, bring you before Kings and governors. Even parents, family members and friends will betray you to the authorities. Some will even be put to death. You need not to worry, however, because the Holy Spirit will give you the words to speak. Yet you will not perish. (Luke 21:12-19)

So, as a sign of the end, this prediction is nothing new for them or for us. That it is associated with the end of days also should be not a surprise. It is not as some millennialist writers believe, a specific prophecy of the persecution of the Jewish church after the rapture. Like the previous signs, they describe the times, which is infected by sin and its effects.

This prophecy began to be fulfilled in the days following the Ascension of Jesus and contiuing to the present. All but one of the Apostles died a martyr’s death. Throughout the early Church, persecution occured from time to time. The witness of these early witnesses to Jesus was so impressive that pagans — including persecutors came to faith. As Tertullian put it, “The blood of the martyrs is seed for the church.”

Throughout the ages, the church continued to be persecuted until today more Christians are persecuted and martyred than in all of history. Like their Lord, they lay down their life for Jesus. When Jesus returns in glory, they will come with him to greet those of us who are alive on that day. With them numbered may we be, here and in eternity.

Rev. Robert E. Smith
Pastor Emeritus
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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