Encore Post: One of the most popular of the signs Jesus predicted would happen before the Second Advent is the success of the missionary mandate. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world ,” Jesus predicted. (Matthew 24:14) This sign appears to be, unlike the other signs, a unique condition, one that was not fulfilled in any way during the ministry of Jesus. Millennialist prophecy scholars observe that it wasn’t until the 19th Century that many areas of the world were visited by missionaries. While this is true, it is based upon an English translation of the prophecy. The passage is better translated: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole civilized world. (οἰκουμένῃ–oikoumene–Ecumene)”
The Greek language of the New Testament uses several words that are translated world in our English Bibles. οἰκουμένῃ was used by the Greeks and Romans for the lands of the Roman Empire. They thought in of humanity as made up of two classes of people, the civilized Graeco-Roman nations and the barbarians. κόσμος (kosmos–cosmos) was the word used by Greek philosophers to speak about the universe. Greek speaking Judaism used it to translate the Old Testament phrase “Heavens and the Earth” — all of creation and especially all peoples. This the word used in John 3:16. The word γῆς (ges–the root for our word geography) was used for the physical world, translated earth or the land.
This prophecy, then, is like the others we’ve looked at. It refers to the gospel being preached to all peoples. It was fulfilled already when St. Paul reached Spain, known in his day as the End of the world. It continues to be fulfilled wherever Christians preach the good news of salvation wherever they live. As they fulfill Christ’s sending, baptizing and teaching, the Holy Spirit uses their witness to create faith, call the lost to faith and to build Christ’s church. When he completes this task and our mission in accomplished, Jesus will return to bring his bride home.
Rev. Robert E. Smith
Pastor Emeritus
Fort Wayne, Indiana
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