Last Things 7c: Wars and Rumors of Wars

Encore Post: The second sign that Jesus gave to his disciples to show the world is coming to an end is that there will be wars and rumors of war. (Matthew 24:6-7, Luke 21:9)

The first time we read this prophecy it strikes us as kind of strange. After all, there is nothing unusual about wars and rumors of wars. In fact, this one is a constant problem for people seeking to discover the year of the coming of Christ. The way they cope with it is to admit that, yes, there have always been wars. But they will get more and more intense as we get closer to the end. They do have a point there, since Jesus describes these signs as labor pains. At first, labor pains come far apart. The closer you get to birth, however, the more frequently and more intensely they come.

The difficultly with this kind of sign, however, is that wars sometimes come one after another and other times years pass where few happen. So, most Romans at the time of Jesus did not experience war. The peace of Rome kept things quiet in most places. Yet, in thirty years, the Jewish people would see war in full measure as the Roman legions crushed a revolt in the Holy Land. In our day, the two worst wars of all time happened in the early and middle of the twentieth century. Nothing like them, thank God, has happened since. The wars we and other powers have wages were much smaller.

So, for the purpose of pinning down when the end will come, they do not help much. So why did Jesus give them? This sign is about helping us to see that all is not well in the world and that it will one day come to an end. He did not want us to do what Christians sometimes have done. When they suffer in war, they worry that everything will come to an end right way and they will suffer more. Or they may be convinced of this would be the war to end all wars. Instead, we should take them as a reminder that Christ will indeed come again and to encourage us to cling to him in faith as we look forward to the New Heavens and the New Earth, where war will cease and we will live in the peace of God that has no end.

Rev. Robert E. Smith
Pastor Emeritus
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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One thought on “Last Things 7c: Wars and Rumors of Wars”

  1. Thank you. Good explanation. We must keep our faith in Christ no matter how evil or difficult things become, This can be war, severe illness, accidents. Look forward to your additional comments,

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