Encore Post: In ancient times, people poured oil on themselves for various purposes, — as perfume, as medicine, and to show that something or someone was to serve God only. Doing this was called anointing.
Anointing was a part of the ceremonies to make a king the ruler of Israel or a priest to serve God in performing sacrifices. The word “Messiah” comes from the Hebrew word that means “anointed one.” It was translated into Greek with the word “Christ.”
As the prophets God sent to Israel predicted more and more about the coming of Jesus, they began to use these words as the title for God’s Son. When the prophet Nathan promised that a descendant of David would be the Messiah, they also came to call this promised savior “The Son of David.”
Jesus is the Messiah promised. He did not come to be served, but to serve others and give his life for us. In this way, he truly is the man after God’s own heart.
Rev. Robert E. Smith
Pastor Emeritus
Fort Wayne, Indiana
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