Encore Post: For people in ancient times, the sea was a symbol of chaos and evil. They had a good reason to think this way. Not only was the sea a place that could become violent at a moment’s notice, they had no way to know about coming storms as we do today.
The disciples were veterans of the sea, not bothered much by the wind and wave, even when it was rough. That evening, the sea was much trouble. They could not use their sails, which would be blown to pieces. So they labored to row against it. They soon became afraid they would sink.
Jesus was asleep in the back of the boat, sleeping on the sails and the sack with rocks to keep the boat balanced on the sea. When they woke Jesus, he yelled at the wind and waves the way we would yell at a barking dog. The disciples shouldn’t have been afraid, since Jesus was with them. They realized then that Jesus is God and were more afraid of Him than the sea.
Rev. Robert E. Smith
Pastor Emeritus
Fort Wayne, Indiana
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