Encore Post: Zechariah should have known better. He was a Levite and a priest with decades of experience. He was steeped in the Torah, the Psalms and the Prophets. He knew that God has a habit of giving children to the barren — including Abraham and Hannah, the mother of the great Samuel: prophet, priest and judge. When an angel appears to you — you listen. And here the angel of God’s presence, Gabriel, stood before him when he offered to God the prayer of God’s people. He promised a super-natural birth and gave a name to his one and only son, whom he would love. Yet he doubted and was kept from speaking until the birth. His words, “his name is John” would be his first words after that. In his song, which we sing in the Matins worship service, he prophesied the role of his child, the last and greatest of the prophets. John the herald of the Messiah would be the capstone of the Old Testament.
John the Baptist had all the credentials to be the Messiah. His Father was a priest, descended from Aaron. His mother was related to Mary, the mother of Jesus, and so perhaps descended from King David. An angel in God’s temple announced John’s birth while his father was offering the prayers of the people to God.
Both of his parents were very old, like Abraham and Sarah, and barren, like Hannah, mother of Samuel. God named him John (Gods gift). In the same way, He named Isaac and changed Jacob’s name to Israel.
The angel announced that John would come in the spirit and power of Elijah, one of the greatest prophets. So John would qualify to be prophet, priest and king. Yet from the very start, he and his parents understood that John was not the Messiah, but the one who would reveal him to the world and prepare the way for him. Jesus called him the greatest prophet. (Matthew 11:9-14) John the Baptist closed the Old Testament. He was the first witness to the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
Rev. Robert E. Smith
Concordia Theological Seminary
Fort Wayne, Indiana
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