A New Hymn!
This hymn text is based upon Ezekiel 34:11-16; Ezekiel 36:22-23, 26-28; Ezekiel 37:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; and Job 19:26-27. It’s certainly also suitable for Psalm 23 or another shepherd text. Check back for a video link in a few weeks.
I presented this hymn at the 2nd Annual Church Music Beautification Conference at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church & Preschool on April 22nd of 2023.
Ezekiel 34:11-16 is the assigned text for The 3rd Sunday of Easter in the one-year lectionary, The Last Sunday of the Church Year in the three-year series A, and proper 19 in the three year series C. Ezekiel 36:22-28 is the assigned text for the seventh Sunday of Easter in the one-year lectionary. Ezekiel 37:1-14 is the assigned text for the second Sunday of Easter in the one-year lectionary, the fifth Sunday of Lent in the three-year series A, and Pentecost Day in the three-year series B. Job 19:23-27 is the assigned text for Easter Day in the one-year lectionary, Easter Sunrise in the three year series C, and the service of graveside committal. Psalm 23 is the assigned psalm for the third Sunday of Easter in the one-year lectionary, Easter Day in all three years of the three-year series, proper 23 in the three-year series A, and proper 11 in the three-year series B.
Behold, My Sheep, I Will Search You Out
1 Behold, My sheep, I’ll search you out,
Rescue on day of clouds;
Though through the darkness, scattered out,
From global nations, proud;
I Myself will make you lie down,
Gathering from the crowd
2 You, O My sheep, I’ll shepherd you,
On mountain heights to feed;
Good grazing land, ravines through too,
Satisfied without greed;
Strengthened, the weak and injured, bound,
Fed fully freed from need.
3 Thus says the Lord, the God of all,
My name has been profaned.
Yoked with the pagans, since the fall,
You have my anger gained.
But, in My faithfulness ‘gainst gall,
You will be unashamed.
4 Thus says the Lord, the God of all,
I will remove the stone,
Where your heart is, instead will fall,
Flesh in its place alone,
My law, this flesh will love it all,
I’ll bring you to your home.
5 Though your bones lie in valley, dry,
In your own flesh, you’ll stand;
Before My throne, in kingdom, high,
In congregation, grand;
Restored in flesh, Me in your eye,
All this by My command.
6 On the last day, your Graves, I’ll break,
People resting in faith,
By Jesus blood and for His sake,
My children, you, I make.
Thus You will know, I am the Lord,
I’ve spoken these words great.
Text, Tune, and Setting: Jason M. Kaspar, b. 1976;
Text: © 2023, Jason M. Kaspar;
Tune and Setting: © 2014, Jason M. Kaspar
Rev. Jason M. Kaspar
Sole Pastor
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church & Preschool
La Grange, TX
Mission planting pastoral team:
Epiphany Lutheran Church
Bastrop, TX
©2023 Jason Kaspar. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com.