Encore Post: As the congregation sings the beautiful Agnus Dei, the pastor likely takes his place at the rail or near the altar to welcome up members of the congregation to participate in the foretaste of the feast to come. But before that, it is customary for the pastor and his assistants (if he has any), to receive the body and blood of our Lord before distributing to the congregation. There is some debate whether or not the pastor can “commune” himself or if an elder of the congregation should “commune” him. Generally, this is best left up to each individual congregation. In these days of Covid-19, you might actually see the pastor wait until the very end of the distribution to commune since he might be wearing a mask, etc.
In some congregations there is a communion rail where congregation members kneel to receive the body and blood of their Lord. In others members come forward and stand in a semi-circle “table”. In others you might see a more continuous flow of people and less of a “table” experience.
However, the church “does” distribution, the pastor is given the direction (rubric) to speak very specific words concerning the body and blood. Likely, some pastors conflate the two and maybe say a bit more. LSB recommends two options: “Take, eat, this the true body of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, given into death for your sins.” “Take, drink, this is the true blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, shed for the forgiveness of your sins.”
There also has been debate from time to time about how one should receive the Body of the Lord. Should one hold out their hand, and take the host to their own mouth? Should the recipient allow the pastor to place the Body of Christ into their mouth? Both are fine ways to receive the Body of Christ. Some early church fathers actually wrote rather long theological treatises on the ways in which one is preferred over the other. Some said that it was better for the pastor or priest to place the Host on the tongue as this was the best picture of pure reception. For the other side, it was argued your hands became the throne on which the Lord Jesus sat and so they offered directions on how to make your hands ready to receive such a gift.
The same can be said concerning receiving the Blood of Christ. In today’s age many people utilize the individual cup rather than taking a drink from the common cup. However, the reasons for using individual cups seem to far less theologically based. Some churches actually have a chalice in which there is a spout to allow for a person to receive into an individual cup the blood from the “common” cup.
However, one receives the Body and Blood of the Lord, may it be done in all reverence, acknowledging the fact that the Lamb of God, Who Comes to Save, is what we receive in the bread and wine given to us by the Pastor at the Distribution.
Rev. Jacob Hercamp
Christ Lutheran Church
Noblesville, Indiana
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