This text for Advent 1 for the 3 year lectionary is something we hear on Palm Sunday. It seems to be well sowed into the fabric of Holy Week, so why does it show up at the very beginning of the church year? That is a question that I have been rolling around in my head for the past week. And I think I found the connection, from the Prophet Zechariah whom Matthew quotes. “Behold, your king is coming to you.” This quote is the reason that this is read on the first Sunday in Advent. “Your King is coming to you.” We always think that Advent is preparing us for Christmas, well, because it does, but the season prepares us for something so much more. It prepares us for the other ways that Christ our King, comes to us.
We see in Palm Sunday a Jesus entering Jerusalem to a parade, but only a couple days later the city is no longer cheering but crying out “Crucify!”At the cross we see the title given again to Jesus. The first being when the magi visit. It seems that no one fully understood the title king at his birth nor at his crucifixion, for His Kingdom is not from this world. The throne he sits on is actually a cross, to which he willingly goes to die for the sins of the world.
Christ’s Kingdom has already come to you, believers of his word. He proclaims we are in his Kingdom right now via the Word and Sacraments. He mercifully comes to you in His Divine Service to forgive us our sins on account of his suffering and death. And He promises us everlasting life because he rose from the dead. Having risen and now ascended to the right hand of the Father, we trust his promise that He will come back to take us to Himself.
Christ will come again, no longer riding humbly on a donkey, but in all his divine majesty and glory. He is coming back to judge the living and the dead. And we who believe look forward to that this final coming of Christ the King. Why do I say we look forward? We are awaiting Christ’s final coming in which he will set all the world right, and remove us from sin and from the sufferings of this world. Behold, your king is coming to you in mercy, oh faithful ones, now and always.
Rev. Jacob Hercamp
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
La Grange, MO
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