When was Jesus Born?

Encore Post: In the Western world, the way we number our years is based on the year Jesus was thought to be born. The years before that time are called B.C. — Before Christ. ( Non-Christians, especially scholars call it B.C.E. — Before the Common Era). Years after that date are called A.D. — Anno Domini — the Year of Our Lord, (Non-Christians call it C.E. — the Common Era). The system was devised by monk Dionysius Exiguus In 525 AD to depart from the system developed by pagan emperors and last revised by the great persecutor of Christians — Diocletian. It supplanted a system based on the year of the reign consuls, emperors or kings.

The problem: most historians believe that Herod the Great died in 4 BC. The tyrant was very much alive when Jesus was born. Using other clues from the Evangelist Luke’s dating of events in the life of Jesus, Dr. Paul L. Maier, scholar of ancient history and Lutheran apologist, believes Jesus was born in 5 BC. Not too far off given Dionysius Had no tools of modern historical research.

Jesus’ actual birthday is not known. Jews of first century AD did not celebrate their birthdays. The big celebration was a male’s circumcision eight days after birth. In fact, Christians did not celebrate the birth of Christ until the 4th Century, after Christianity became the official religion of Rome. The date was selected in relation to the Resurrection, which was celebrated from the very start of the faith.

In the ancient world, a perfect human being was thought to die on the day of his conception. So the church reasoned the incarnation happened on the Spring Equinox, the day when daylight and night are the same length — 12 hours. In Ancient times, that was March 25. In the same way, a perfect human being was thought to remain in his mother’s womb exactly nine months. So, they reasoned he would be born on the shortest day of the year — December 25th.

The church made much of the date. The pagans celebrated the day of the unconquerable Sun, worshiping it as a god. From that day on, it seemed to grow ever stronger. So the church celebrated a service — a Mass– of Christ on that day to displace it. From that date grew the seasons of Advent and Christmas in the church calendar.

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to cosmithb@gmail.com

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2 thoughts on “When was Jesus Born?”

  1. I have heard a convincing presentation FOR the Dec 25 date based on the time John the Baptist’s father would have been serving in the temple and received his vision. From there we KNOW the chronology and the birth of Jesus would have been late December. Unfortunately I don’t recall how they figured out the starting point.

    1. Everything I’ve seen on that argument claims the calendar dating of the priest’s rotation is really not known, just guessed. And they how do they know John was in the womb precisely 9 months and that Elizabeth conceived the day of the announcement. So, no it really doesn’t work. Of course, the Plato-minded early Church played with perfection and symbolism to get there. Still… Dr. Maier thinks it could not have been much before the death of Herod, or the Chronology of Jesus’ ministry Luke pegs (about 30 years old in the 15th Year of Tiberius) becomes impossible.

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