Sunday School: God provides a Lamb for Abraham

Encore Post: The sacrifice of the Son of God and the sacrifice of Isaac are closely related. Isaac is Abraham’s son, His only Son, whom he loves. Jesus is God’s Son, His only Son, Whom He loves.

When God told Abraham to go to Mount Moriah, He picked the place that Solomon would choose to build the temple. On this spot, Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son. God had promised that it would be through Isaac that Abraham’s descendants would become more numerous than the sand on the seashore and the stars in the sky. Abraham did not know how God would keep His promise. He thought that perhaps God would raise Isaac from the dead (Hebrews 11:17-18).

When Abraham was ready to perform the sacrifice, the Angel of the Lord appeared and stopped the sacrifice. Christian theologians believe this figure is the Son of God Himself, appearing before His birth. So, God spared Abraham’s son, but He did not spare His Son, His only Son, Whom He loved, but provided Him as the sacrifice that ends all sacrifice. Two thousand years after this event, Jesus would be condemned to death on the very same spot. God indeed provided the Lamb for the sacrifice for our sins.

Rev. Robert E. Smith
Concordia Theological Seminary
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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4 thoughts on “Sunday School: God provides a Lamb for Abraham”

  1. Why do theologians think that it was Jesus and not an angel who stopped the sacrifice of Isaac?

    1. The Angel of the Lord, who appears throughout the Old Testament, speaks and acts like God and is treated like him by the people to whom he appears. Here the Angel of the Lord says: “you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.” (Ge 22:12)

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