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Thank you for your interest in our musings! Several of you have asked how you can find out when we post a new offering without being glued to a Facebook page, my LinkedIn profile, Twitter feed or G+ circles. It is actually pretty simple.

While you are looking at the post, select the menu icon. scroll down. There is a form near the bottom of the column. Put in your email and hit the subscribe button.


1. Select this message or link to go to this post on the blog itself.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the post and select “leave a comment”
3. Fill out the form. Be sure to check the box: “Notify me of new posts by email”
4. Select “post comment”

That’s it. Every time we post a new entry you will receive an email from that a new post is ready for you to read.

I hope you find this useful.

Rev. Robert E. Smith