The Season of Lent

Encore Post: “Mardi Gras” — “Fat Tuesday” or “Carnival” — “Farewell to meat” — are names given to the days full of parties just before Lent. In Christian countries, people celebrated these days, knowing that with the beginning of Lent, they would spend forty days fasting. By the time of the Reformation, the season of Lent had become a very somber time of self-denial, where repentance, meditation upon the sufferings and death of Jesus, dominated the everyday life of Christians. In order to earn some merit before God, the serious believer would not only fast, but give alms to the poor, go on pilgrimages and do anything they thought would please God.

This way of looking at Lent differs greatly from the way it was seen during the Early Church. The season arose as a part of the process of becoming a Christian. A new convert to the faith spent forty days being taught the basic truths of God’s word, especially about the life, sufferings and death of the Lord Jesus. Forty days is the symbolic period of testing, fasting and discipline done to focus a believer’s mind on prayer and meditation on God’s word. Since the customary day to baptize new Christians moved early on from the day celebrating the Baptism of our Lord to the Vigil of Easter (Holy Saturday), catechumens (new Christians studying the faith) and their Catechists (teachers of the faith) would fast the forty weekdays prior to Easter each year. Since Sundays are always a celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus, they would not fast on the Sundays. They found the practice to be a great blessing and so the whole church soon began to fast with them. Ash Wednesday, therefore, begins Lent, which lasts until Holy Saturday.

Lutherans reformed the practice of Lent, so that rather than being a season of sorrow, it is a season of discipline. Beginning in repentance for sins with Ash Wednesday, it continues in quiet reflection on the basic teachings of the Christian faith. When the Church comes to Holy Week, then it turns to be a witness to the events of our salvation, leading us to Easter and the joy of the resurrection of our Lord and the promise of everlasting life it brings.

For the most part, we will use this Lent to talk about the basics of the faith, as Martin Luther explains it in the Small Catechism. May God bless you as you meditate and pray during this season of Lent.

Originally posted at What does this Mean? Blog:
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Rev. Robert E. Smith
Pastor Emeritus
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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