Jesus Does What God Does

Encore Post: The New Testament calls Jesus God in many ways. It uses the name “God” and “Lord” and applies titles the Old Testament uses for God to Jesus. (see The Bible Calls Jesus God) Jesus also has qualities that belong to God alone and demonstrated them. (John 3:2) There was little doubt on the part of either his disciples (Matthew 14:33) or his opponents that he claimed to be God. (John 10:33)

According to the Scripture, Jesus is almighty or omnipotent. (Matthew 28:18, John 3:35, Revelation 5:12) He controls the weather. (Matthew 8:23-27) He heals the sick and raises the dead. (John 11:38-44) He created everything. (John 1:3, Colossians 1:16) Jesus is present everywhere his people are. (Matthew 18:20, Matthew 28:20, John 14:23) He is with us forever and never changes. (Matthew 28:20John 8:56-59Hebrew 1:12 Hebrews 13:8, John 17:5) Jesus allows people to worship him. (Matthew 28:9, John 9:35) Jesus forgives sins by his own authority. (Mark 2:5-11)

Because of this witness of the Scriptures, the church believed and confessed from the very beginning that Jesus is both God and Lord. They also continued to believe what the scripture told them about the nature of God — that only one God exists. Concluding that human reason would never understand how this could be so, they trusted God and his word instead. They continued to confess the mystery in the face of one heresy or another that changed doctrine in order to make sense of God’s nature.

See also: Understanding an Unknowable God | One God in Three Persons | And There’s None Other God

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