Encore Post: [Thirtieth in a series of posts on Martin Luther’s Small Catechism] Every action movie, adventure novel or cartoon has a version of the same plot. A dark cloud comes over people. A sinister force imposes its will upon everyone, enslaving them and bringing misery to all. A hero arises, and with great struggle, defeats the evil swarm and brings justice to them. Everyone lives forever. The real world rarely turns out that way.
When evil people prosper, when sin, suffering, grief and death dominate, we pray for deliverance. Rarely does it come. In such situations, we long for Jesus to return to earth and finally set things right. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is what we want. The beauty of that wish is that it will come true, some day, at the right time, set by God’s own choosing.
On that day, all the dead will rise from the grave and will be gathered before the Throne of God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The books will be opened and everything that everyone has ever done will be exposed for what it is. All evil will be judged, and the books balanced. The catch — our deeds will be among them. And that is not pleasing at all.
The surprise comes when the verdict is announced. We, the very guilty, will be pronounced “not guilty!” Why? Because the Great Almighty King is the Lamb of God, who took away the sins of the world. Putting our guilt upon us, the Author of Life died to pay its penalty in full. We and those who cling to his promise of salvation in faith will live with him forever. By his death, he destroyed death and by his rising he opens the kingdom to all believers.
That day will resolve everything, not by defeating our enemies, but by destroying them. Then we really will live happily ever after forever and ever.
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