Last Things #16: The Best is Yet to Come: Life forever with the Son of God

Encore Post: When people speak of the Second Advent of Christ, the focus almost always is on his descent from Heaven, with all the angels and all the saints who had died. That is a natural thing to do, because it is very dramatic. The skies parting, the army of heaven with countless members descending with the Son of God in his full glory. The tombs are rended, the dead raised as the author of life calls them forth in the glorious resurrection of the last day. Then the drama of the destruction of sin, death and the power of the devil and the summons all must obey to the Judgment Seat of Christ. Then the book of life is opened, all secrets are revealed and those with faith in Jesus pronounced “not guilty” before the throne of God, for the Son of God, the Lamb who took away the sin of the world, was slain for their sake. Then the unbelieving will be sent with Satan and his angels to the unending lake of fire prepared for them.

But the best is yet to come and gets little attention. Perhaps it is because we merge it in our minds with the state of the dead who in this age die in the Lord. They are with him forever. And yet their state is not yet perfect. Their bodies are yet to be called by Jesus from their graves, so they may be fully restored and improved for eternity.

Perhaps it is because we really can’t understand it. So, the Scripture describes it for us and paints several images for us. Eternal life is — well — eternal! We will die only once and once resurrected, live forever with the Lord. It will be without sin. Having been defeated on the cross. We are cleansed of it forever. There will be no more sorrow or sighing or grief or pain, for these things will pass away. God will dry every tear from our eyes. Our bodies will be glorified, purged of sin and its curse. We will shine like the stars in the joy of our Heavenly Father. We do not know what we will be like except that we will be like Christ.

Best of all, we will be with Jesus and see him face to face. Then, with Joy, we will sing his praises forever.

Rev. Robert E. Smith
Concordia Theological Seminary
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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