Rule #1 for Reading the Bible

Encore Post: For most Christians, the first rule for understanding the Bible seems obvious. The Bible is God’s Word. Yet believing that God speaks to us in his own words and is the author of the Bible affects the way we look at the Scriptures, how we approach it, what we expect from it and the assumptions that we make about what it says.

Because the Bible is God’s message to us, we believe that it is not fiction, a myth made up by people to explain the world, or something that it just very well written words to inspire us or make us feel good — like a great movie, a catchy song, or an absorbing novel written by our favorite author. After they make us feel good and escape the world for awhile, nothing changes and life goes on. The Word of God, however, comes with the power of God to change our lives, brought to us by God’s own Holy Spirit. (see Romans 1:16-17, 2 Peter 1:16-21) It creates faith in hearts which do not believe and strengthens faith where it exists.

So, the clear teachings of the Bible are the final authority on everything it speaks about. When it says that all people are evil, not good, at heart, we believe that, even though our mind and culture tells us everyone is basically good. When it tells us God made the world in six days, we believe that, too, even if the world’s myth tells us the universe has always existed and developed over millions of years into what we now see. When the Bible tells us both that God decided to save us before he made the world, but if we reject him, we can loose our faith, we believe that too, even though it doesn’t make sense to us.

So, this rule is that we assume that what the Bible teaches is true and use those things which are perfectly clear in it to understand things that are not so clear.

Rule #2| Rule #3Rule #4 | Rule #5 | Blog Post Series

Rev. Robert E. Smith
Concordia Theological Seminary
Fort Wayne, Indiana

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Digging into the Old Testament: Torah, Torah, Torah

Encore Post: The word Torah (תרה) found in the Old Testament is actually pretty difficult to translate because it carries so much theological weight.

So what can Torah mean? Well, you look at the first books of the bible (Genesis through Deuteronomy) that is called the Torah. It’s sometimes called the Law of Moses. Torah means Law.

But then you may be asking yourself, how is Law defined? That is a very good question. In Lutheran circles we understand the Law of God to have 3 uses. The second use is the most common because it is the one that accuses us of our sins. But the books of Moses are not just made up of that kind of Law. So we need a broader definition.

Torah means God’s Law in the sense that it is His Word. Understood in this way Torah is Law and Gospel. The Old Testament has both Law and Gospel throughout.

God’s Torah then is both Law and Gospel. It contains the 10 commandments and the all the purity laws of Leviticus, but it also has the Gospel that points us to Jesus’ atoning death on the cross. Think to Leviticus 16, Genesis 3:15, Numbers 21, to name a few.

So if God’s Torah is understood as God’s Word, then when Jesus who is called the Word of God incarnate, another way to say it is that Jesus is the Torah Incarnate. This idea comes through in the Gospel of John most prominently, and come to think of it in Matthew’s account of the Sermon on the Mount. For Jesus in both John and Matthew states the Law and then explains it and further intensifies it. We only need to think about the sin of adultery, for instance.

Rev. Jacob Hercamp
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
La Grange, MO

©2018 Jacob Hercamp. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Read, Mark, Learn and Take God’s Word to Heart

Encore Post: So, you want to study God’s word, but you’re kind of afraid to do so. You remember all those “begats” and difficult words, long, boring lists of names and places you only half understand. It doesn’t help that you haven’t much cracked the book open since college or even confirmation class. Then the pastor pours on the good old Lutheran guilt. So… you go to the store and see rows and rows of Bibles of all sizes, shapes, colors, translations and types. Makes you think you really can’t do it, doesn’t it?

Well, you’re not alone. A lot of people find it hard to approach the Bible, even though they know it is good for them. There are lots of barriers to understanding the Scriptures. But there also is much that even the smallest child can understand. After all, God knows you and knows you need help. That is why he takes the initiative and spoke to us though first prophets, and then, in these last days, though his Son.(Hebrews 1:1-2) God’s nature is impossible for us to understand in the end, but a man — just like us — now that we can understand.

One classic analogy tells us the Bible is like an ocean. At the shore, it is shallow and inviting, a place even a toddler can enjoy. Yet it is so deep and challenging that the most experienced diver cannot exhaust its mysteries. The great fathers and theologians have spent a lifetime exploring it, and yet always found more to challenge them.

So, don’t be afraid of it. Wade in — the water is fine! To help you find your way, we’ll explore some rules you can use and strategies you can take to learn much. You may be pleased to discover that most of them are common sense.

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to