Friedrich Wyneken at the General Synod

In May of 1845, One Hundred and Seventy-Five years ago, the General Synod gathered in Philadelphia. The General Synod was a loose federation of regional Lutheran church bodies — Synods, Ministeriums and Conferences. It promoted what it called an “American Lutheranism,” which left behind what it saw as European culture and doctrine for one which was in harmony with American denominations of a Reformed heritage. Among the things discarded were the liturgy, the saving nature of Baptism and the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the Lord’s Supper. It promoted “new measures,” revivalist worship styles, evangelistic techniques and camp meetings.

When Friedrich Wyneken came to America, he fit well in the General Synod. He was a part of the Germans Awakening, a pietist movement concerned that Christians cultivated a personal relationship with Jesus and lived a holy life. He was not alone — most of the fathers of the Missouri Synod were pietists in their youth. In a war of words with German Methodists and with time to think on a voyage to Germany, he became convinced that Confessional Lutheran doctrine was more faithful to the Word of God. As he traveled Germany, recruiting pastors to serve in America, he told everyone how Lutherans in America had abandoned Lutheran doctrine to embrace Reformed and Arminian teaching and practice.

When he returned to America, Wyneken implemented Confessional Lutheran practice and taught according to the Lutheran Confessions in his parishes. Before his own Synod of the West, he argued for the truth of the Lutheran Confessions and won them over. The Synod of the West sent him as a delegate to the next General Synod convention.

Wyneken arrived late to the convention. He challenged the body to answer concerns about their orthodoxy by sending copies of works which represented their theology to Lutheran leaders in Germany. After much debate, the proposal failed. Wyneken then introduced a second resolution, that the Synod reject as heterodox those works. This measure also failed. After that, he left for home. Wyneken was to remain a member of the Synod of the West until it dissolved in 1846.

©2020 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Meet Giovanni de’Medici, Pope Leo the Tenth

Giovanni de ‘Medici was the second son of Lorenzo “the Magnificent” de’Medici, ruler of the Florentine Republic. As was customary for second sons, Giovanni was groomed for a career in the church. His father was one of the great patrons of the Italian Renaissance and very adept at the very volatile politics of late medieval Italy. While playing the part of the first citizen, he gained for his family near royal powers, prestige and riches. Much of that power came from the family business, running one of the major banks in Europe. Giovanni thus received one of the finest educations of his time and became a lover of the finer things of life — especially the arts and hunting. Think of father and son as princes of the type described by the father of political political science — Niccolò Machiavelli — who grew up to be a Florentine diplomat and a lieutenant of the Medici family .

He was consecrated a Deacon and a Cardinal at age 13, although not allowed to function as a Cardinal until he was of age. He studied theology and canon law at the University of Pisa from 1489 to 1491. In 1492 he joined the College of Cardinals, but had to move back to Florence at the death of his father. In 1494, when politics in Florence turned against the Medicis, he went into exile, traveling throughout Europe until 1500 when he moved to Rome. When his older brother Piero died, he became the head of the Medici family. In 1512, when his younger brother regained Medici rule in Florence, Giovanni was the actual power behind the throne. The rest of his life, he would leverage family power to promote his relatives in gaining control throughout Italy.

In 1513, Giovanni was elected pope, even though he was not a priest. In the following days, he was first ordained, then consecrated a bishop and then coronated as Pope Leo X. As a pope, he was a relatively moral shepherd. He spend his own, his family’s and the papacy’s money on turning Rome into the center of the Renaissance for his time. He commissioned one of his father’s clients — Michelangelo — to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling in St. Peter’s Basilica. He skillfully played France and Spain off against each other, maintaining a percarious balance that kept Italy relatively free of war during his reign.

However, he is remembered chiefly for underestimating Martin Luther and the thirst for reform in Western Christendom. During the critical years in which the Reformation took root, he first thought of it as a squabble between the rival monastic orders — Luther’s Augustinians and Eck’s Dominicans. He was not concerned (until 1520!) about most of the issues raised by Luther. He alternately tried humoring him, getting his superiors in the order and his prince to rein him in and issuing dire threats. The one sticking point for him goes to his nature as a Medici — Papal authority which Luther’s theology threatened. His last card he played on June 15 — the bull Exsurge Domine.

©2020 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Martin Luther on Good Works

Five Hundred years ago, Martin Luther completed his Treatise on Good Works, explaining several of the key insights of Lutheran theology. It went to the printers sometime from the middle to the end of May 1520 and was in the hands of Philip Melanchthon by June 8. Originally, the reformer intended it to be a sermon for his Wittenberg parish, but grew into a little book at the urging of his prince, Frederick the Wise through his secretary, Georg Spalatin, Luther’s good friend.

Luther feared that, as much as he had already published, it would not be read. He was very much mistaken. It was reprinted eight times by December 1520 and six more times in 1521. Before long it was translated into Latin. very quickly it appeared in English, French, Dutch, and Low German. This treatise has received very little attention, given that, very shortly after it was published, Luther produced a work that denied the Pope was the vicar of Christ, followed by others that taught all Christians were priests and had a leadership role in the church, that there were only two, or maybe three, sacraments and that Christians were at the same time free and subject to no one, but slaves of all, subject to all.

In this work, Luther explains that salvation and faith are not earned by good works, but that good works flow from salvation and faith. Because Christians naturally love God and want to please him, they do good works without giving them a second thought. No work done apart from faith is truly good. And for a Christian, living in the vocation that God has given to him or her, everything they do is truly a good work.

Martin Luther also redefined in this treatise what “Good Works” actually were. In the Middle Ages, good works came to mean religious actions such as attending mass, making pilgrimages to holy sites, prayers, purchase of indulgences, pledging to God that you would remain celibate and a host of other spiritual exercises. Dr. Luther explains that none of these things that were recommended by the church, impressive in the eyes of people as they were, are not good works at all. At best, they distracted from performing true good works — those commanded by God.

The Treatise on Good Works took the form of an extended commentary on the Ten Commandments. Many of Luther’s observations in it will sound very familiar to Lutherans — Dr. Luther would repeat many of them a decade later in his Large and Small Catechisms.

One comment the reformer made sounds strange to Lutheran ears. He teaches that faith is the first and greatest work a Christian does. In it are all other works. Theologian Norman Nagel used to explain that early on “Luther was not a Lutheran. the goose is in the oven, but he is not quite cooked yet.” And so it was. Luther and his friends would soon come to understand faith as purely a gift of God, created in the heart of believers by the Holy Spirit when he saves them in the waters of Holy Baptism and by the power of his word. Faith, we now believe is a Christian’s trust in God to keep his promises.

©2020 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Meet Rev. Jason Kaspar

I am delighted to announce another regular contributor will be joining our blog. Rev. Jason M. Kaspar was a fieldworker and vicar at my home parish while he was at seminary. I believe you all will enjoy having another voice to speak about things Lutheran. Here is his bio, which is also at the blog site, linked to the “About What Does this Mean? page.

I am a Confessional Lutheran Pastor, a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS). I was born in Houston, TX. I grew up, the son of a Lutheran teacher.  We were always on the move. I lived in 12 cities and towns in the states of TX, KS, MO, MI, MS, and CO. I was a member of 11 LCMS congregations before attending the seminary.

I studied music education at Concordia (University) Ann Arbor, MI and voice performance at Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction, CO.  I served as a cantor, choir director, and vocal coach at multiple congregations in the LCMS alongside my careers including mover, CDL driver, sign installer, and oil field cementing and fracturing lab tech.

Currently, I serve as Sole Pastor at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church & Preschool, La Grange, Texas. I was ordained on June 16, 2019 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Battle Creek, Michigan and installed at Mt. Calvary on July 31, 2019.  I am a product of the Alternate Route ordination program at Concordia Theological Seminary and revel in the service opportunities the Lord has granted me at this stage of life.

I am also blessed by the Lord by his allowance for me to participate in a local congregational mission plant in Bastrop, TX. There are three other LCMS pastors from my circuit participating in the mission plant from Smithville, Warda, and Winchester. The four of us rotate duties weekly at Epiphany Lutheran Church of Bastrop, TX, which meets at the 7th Day Adventist Church of Bastrop on Sundays at 11:30 am. Since we all 9 am churches, this minimally impacts our current calls. The impact on Epiphany is highly beneficial. She began meeting together for the Divine Service with the Lord’s Supper every Sunday on February 6th, 2022, inexpensively renting space and local pastors as well.

My doubly great grandfather, Rev. Jacob Kaspar, was a Lutheran pioneer missionary pastor from Switzerland to central Texas, serving from 1867-1900.  The first church he planted in Freyburg, TX is 12 miles south of us.  All three of his calls are less than 80 miles from my current congregation.  He rests in Christ at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Anderson, TX.  My maternal grandfather is Rev. Melvin R. Boehlke, retired from Bethany Lutheran, Huston, TX.  He also served Prince of Peace Lutheran, Belton, TX before receiving his eternal reward.

I’m an avid shooter and an aspiring hunter and fisherman.  I’m and experienced cook, enjoying the new culinary frontiers in Central Texas.  We recently discovered that the Kaspars are related by my paternal great grandmother and her mother to the Texas Wendish Lutheran immigrants to Serbin, TX of 1854.  My doubly great grandmother, Marie Magdalena (Moerbe) Werner was born in 1856 in Serbin, TX, in the second year of the original settlement of Texas Wendish Lutherans.  That’s a significant, unknown familial connection to the origin of the Texas district and the Lutheran churches of Fayette, Bastrop, and Lee Counties.

My lovely wife, Mandy, and I were married in 2006 and are enjoying our new lives in Texas.

Rev. Jason M. Kaspar
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church & Preschool
La Grange, TX

©2020 Jason Kaspar & Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Jesus Returns to Heaven

Encore Post: The Ascension is an important event in the life of Jesus and the Church. It is the final part of the work which redeemed us: the cross, where our sins were paid for, the resurrection where the power of the grave was broken and the ascension which restored all His honor, glory, authority and power. From the days of the early church, over 1500 years ago, until recent years, the church celebrated the Ascension on the fortieth day after Easter, or the Thursday ten days before Pentecost. In the 21st century, many churches celebrate Ascension on the Sunday before Pentecost.

When He ascended, Jesus left His Church a promise, a mission and a blessing. He promised to be with us always, until the end of time. He gave us our mission. We would join His mission to seek and save the lost by going to the whole world,  being witnesses to His life, death and resurrection, to proclaim the good news of salvation, baptizing and teaching all He commanded us. As He ascended, He blessed them as Aaron and the High Priest did and as pastors do to this day, giving us His peace. He promised to be with us always, until the end of time itself.

Now the church waits patiently for him to return. On a day that no one knows, Jesus will return. On that day, he will raise our bodies from the grave, judge all the living and the dead, bring an end to sin, death and the power of the devil. God will live among us again, throw the greatest marriage feast of all time. He will dry the every tear from our eyes.

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Pastor Bob Smith’s Hymn on Forgiveness

Program note: As I published this morning’s post, it all of a sudden occurred to me that many of my friends may be unaware of my one published hymn on the subject of forgiving a neighbor his sins. (Call me a one hymn wonder!) So, I’ve put the hymn on the blog site in case you are interested. It is “Remember Christ Our Savior.” Feel free to use it or forget you ever saw it.

Pastor Bob Smith

Jesus is the Good Shepherd

God tells us He is our Shepherd. He tends his flock, leads them to green pastures and still waters, guards them from danger, dresses their wounds, carries their lambs and is always with them. (Isaiah 40:11) This imagery is so powerful that, in ancient times, Kings often compared themselves to shepherds as well.

In the Middle East, shepherds often build a common sheep pen for their town. They would build a wall to keep the sheep from wandering away and to keep wolves and other predators from attacking them. A watchman would guard the gate or door to the pen so that only shepherds could enter. This discouraged thieves. When a shepherd was ready to feed his sheep, he would go into the pen and call them by name. They recognized the voice of the man who cared for them and would follow. He’d take them to good, green pastures and nice, quiet waters. (Psalm 23) He would protect them from wild animals, often doing battle with them, as King David describes what he did as a young shepherd. He would risk his life to save his sheep. (1 Samuel 17:34-37)

Jesus is our Good Shepherd. (John 10:1-18) He calls us by name. He leads us, guides us, corrects us and comforts us with his word. He gives us living water to drink and washes us clean in the waters of Holy Baptism. He feeds us with his own body and blood in his own supper. He appoints assistant shepherds to help feed us, protect us and guide us. He gave his life for us, his sheep. He will be with us always, even to the end of time itself, when he will lead us home, where we will live in his house forever. A Good Shepherd indeed.

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to


Sermon on John 3:1-17

Second Sunday in Lent

Our Hope Lutheran Church

March 8, 2020

Text: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you are born from above you cannot see the kingdom of God … unless you are born of water and the Spirit, you cannot enter the kingdom of God. (John 3:3, 5)

Intro: Nicodemus was a true believer, looking for the coming Messiah. He was convinced by the signs that Jesus performed that he could well be the promised Messiah. But as a respected Pharisee, one of the few privileged to served in the Sanhedrin, he had no idea what that really meant. He thought the kingdom would come when God’s people lived righteous lives. To check all this out, he came to see Jesus at night. And Jesus turned his world upside down.

  1.  We must be born from above to enter God’s Kingdom.
    1.  We were born sinners.
    2.   Our emotions and will are hopelessly turned in on ourselves.
    3.  No matter what we do, we cannot free ourselves from it.
    4.  These sinful desires need to be drowned so that a new nature can be born.
    5.  This is not something we can decide to do, it is something that has to be done for us.
  1.   God gave his only Son so that we can be born from above.
    1.   Before he made the world, he loved us and chose us to be adopted as his heirs.
    2.   In the sacrifice of his Son, he redeemed us.
    3.  In baptism, we were baptized in the Holy Spirit, who created faith in our hearts and sealed us as God’s children.
    4. We now live in his kingdom and remain in it forever.

©2020 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Fear, Love and Trust God

“You will have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3)

In a previous post, we considered what it means to have a god. What it really is all about, Martin Luther tells us, is who or what are you going to trust. As Christians, we know that well. After all, the Holy Spirit planted trust — faith — in our hearts. So, we love God. We also remember that God is holy and know that sin has its consequences. So, we respect and fear him too. What challenges us is the “above all things” part.

There are many precious things that claim a place in our hearts. We love our spouses. We love our children. Perhaps we love our country, our home, our hobbies or possessions. These are great blessings that do have a proper place in our lives. The trouble comes when they compete with God. We can easily come to invest a trust in them. We build our lives around them, invest time and money in them. It is easy to come to trust them as much if not more than God.

The problem is that, no matter how precious these things are, they cannot bear the weight of our trust. Spouses and children become ill and die. Our nation may turn on us and make us choose between it and God. Possessions break, fade away and are lost. The only thing that endures forever is God’s word. God made the world by his word, his Word became flesh and lived with us. His suffering, death and resurrection earned for us forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. Because he lives forever, we know that we will rise to live with him forever.

So we fear, love and trust God above all others. Then other blessings fall into their proper place as we thank God for them. This love and trust, then, in turn, leads to obey the rest of the commands as well.

See also: The Law of God is Good and Wise | Fence, Mirror and Guidebook | The Two Greatest Commandments | The Ten Commandments

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Meet Georg Spalatin

Georg Burkhardt, the son of a Bavarian tanner, was born in 1484, a year after his friend Martin Luther, and died in 1545, the year before the reformer. Like Luther, his father sent him to school, first in Nuremberg, and later in Erfurt, about the same time Luther attended the same university. He became a humanist scholar and changed his name to Spalatin, after the small town near Nuremberg in which he grew up.

He was ordained a priest in 1508. Frederick the Wise appointed him first as a tutor to his nephew, John Frederick, then the court librarian and later the court chaplain and his secretary. In these positions he would function much the same way a chief of staff serves the President of the United States. He would serve three Electors of Saxony during his lifetime.

In Wittenberg, Spalatin became friends with Dr. Luther and whole-heartedly embraced the theology he came to teach. From the very beginning of the indulgence controversy, Spalatin advocated for Luther with his sovereigns and communicated the will of the Electors to Luther. His diplomatic skills made him a key figure in the Lutheran Reformation, although not very well known.

Spalatin often counseled Luther on which works to write, which ones not to write and which ones to tone down. He was responsible for the successful plan to “kidnap” Luther after the Diet of Worms and put him in the Castle Wartburg while controversy cooled a bit and where the Reformer could have a much needed sabbatical.

Five Hundred years ago, in February of 1520, Spalatin reminded Martin Luther that he had promised the Elector to write a sermon, a treatise really, on the subject of good works. Now that the doctrine of salvation by faith alone was becoming known, the Elector and other rulers sympathetic to Luther’s theology were concerned their subjects would believe they did not have to do good works at all, including obeying their rulers!

The Treatise on Good Works would take until summer to complete. More about that later this year. It isn’t often talked about, since three other major works were published that year. Yet in it the familiar understanding of good works taught by Lutherans is first stated in detail. Christians do not do good works to become Christians and be saved, but do good works because they are Christians, are saved and want to please God.

©2020 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to