Sunday School: King Josiah

Encore post: King Josiah was unique. He was king at age eight. He began to love the Lord and to keep His covenant at age sixteen. Few of his royal ancestors were faithful to God and His law, most of them worshipping the gods of the Canaanites. His grandfather Manesseh was among the worst, sacrificing his own sons on their altars. His father continued the pattern, letting the temple fall into disrepair, placing idols within its walls, encouraging the people to practice the religion of their neighbors.

During these evil years, it appears that the priests removed the scroll containing the Book of Deuteronomy from the open areas of the temple and hid them in the storerooms nearby. King Josiah ordered the temple renovated and placed the High Priest in charge. As they were cleaning and repairing the building, the priests rediscovered it.

When King Josiah heard the words of this book read, he reacted with great sorrow. He realized that God’s people had wandered far from the Lord and spent the rest of his life destroying the false gods of Canaan and calling God’s people to serve their Lord. Josiah remains an example of how a devout leader can live to serve God and His people.

Rev. Robert E. Smith
Concordia Theological Seminary
Fort Wayne, Indiana
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