Blog Post Series

To: Catechism | Church Words | Digging Into the Old Testament | Ephesians 1 & 2 | How to Read the Bible | Preparation for the Gospel | Sunday School | New Testament Posts | A Walk Through the Liturgy


The cornerstone of Lutheran Doctrine is Luther’s Small Catechism. In it the reformer summarized the teachings of Holy Scripture in simple terms, designed to help fathers and pastors teach their children. So successful was this work and its companion, the Large Catechism, it became the foundation of instruction in the faith for all Christians. For the last few years, What Does this Mean? has run this series each just before each Lent and into the Easter season. We continue to tweak it and add to it.


Catechism #1: Child and Pupil of the Catechism

Catechism #2: Why Memorize the Catechism?

Catechism #3: Why is Luther’s Catechism so Popular?

Catechism #4: What is the Small Catechism?

Ten Commandments

Catechism #5: Fence, Mirror and Guidebook

Catechism #6: The Two Greatest Commandments

Catechism #7: Who is your God?

Catechism #8: We Believe in One God…

Catechism #8b: God’s Name

Catechism #9: Pray, Praise and Give Thanks

Catechism #10: The Sabbath Rest

Catechism #11: To Live Well, Honor Your Parents

Catechism #12: Being for Life and Not Death

Catechism #13: God’s Good Gift of Marriage

Catechism #14: Beg, Borrow and Steal

Catechism #15: Speak up for Others

Catechism #16: The Problem is in the Heart

Catechism #17: God the Jealous God


First Article

Catechism #18: What’s a Creed Anyway?

Catechism #19: The Three Ways God Cares for Us

Catechism #20: Calling God our Father and Meaning it

Catechism #21: God can do Anything He Wants to Do

Catechism #22: God Made Me and All Creatures

Second Article

Catechism #23: God is Hands On

Catechism #23b: Son of God

Catechism #24: It’s His Story

Catechism #25: And He Suffered Under Pontius Pilate

Catechism #26: He Descended into Hell

Catechism #27: Christ is Risen!

Catechism #28: The Right Hand of God

Catechism #29: The Judge of the Living and the Dead

Third Article

Catechism #30: The Holy Spirit Seeks the Lost

Catechism #31: Little Sheep the Hear the Voice of their Shepherd

Catechism #32: Called by the Gospel

Catechism #33: Enlighten With His Gifts

Catechism #34: Kept in the True Faith

Catechism #35: The Marks of the Church

Catechism #36: The Forgiveness of Sins

Catechism #37: The Resurrection of the Body

Catechism #38: And He Shall Reign Forever and Ever

Book of Concord

Nicene Creed

How did we get the Nicene Creed?

Nicene Creed Article One

Athanasian Creed

Introduction to the Athanasian Creed

Athanasian Creed Section One: Trinity in Unity and Unity in Trinity

Athanasian Creed Section Two: Three Distinct Persons

Athanasian Creed Section Three: Unity in the Person of Christ

Athanasian Creed the Conclusion : Works and Faith, Sheep and Goats

Formula of Concord


Formula of Concord #1: A Look at the Epitome

The Lord’s Prayer

Catechism #39: Dear Children and Their Dear Father

Catechism#40: Why Pray for God to Make His Name Holy

Catechism #41: Thy Kingdom Come

Catechism #42: If it is God’s Will

Catechism #43: Daily Bread

Catechism #44: God Lets it Go, So Let it Go

Catechism #45: The World, the Devil and Our Sinful Desires

Catechism #46: Faith and Prayer


Catechism #45: What is a Sacrament?

Catechism #46: What is Baptism?

Catechism #47: Baptism Saves You

Catechism #48: Is Baptism Necessary?

Catechism #49: Who Should be Baptized?

Catechism #50: The Church has Always Baptized Infants

Catechism #51: Stay Calm and Remember Your Baptism

Catechism #52: Baptized into Christ’s Body

Confession and Absolution

Catechism #53: Why Confess Your Sins?

Catechism #54: What is Absolution?

Catechism #54b: The Treasure of Absolution

Lord’s Supper

Catechism #55: Names for the Lord’s Supper

Catechism #56: Who is the Lord’s Supper for?

Catechism #57: The Lord’s Supper is Christ’s Supper

Catechism #58: Forgiveness of Sins, Life and Salvation

Catechism #59: One Loaf, One Body

Catechism #59b: What does it mean to “worthily receive?”

Catechism #59c: Why does Pastor commune himself first?

Catechism #59d: What do the “unworthy” receive?

Catechism #59e: Is it OK for alcoholics to receive only the bread in communion?

Catechism #59f: Why does Pastor use people’s first names only in prayer?

Table of Duties

Catechism #60: Vocation and the Table of Duties

Catechism #61: Vocations: Working out from Ground Zero

Catechism #62: Vocations of the Everyday Grind

Catechism #63: Who do you think you are?

Church Words

In church, we use a number of words that we assume everyone knows, but no one ever explain. These posts give the background behind these terms and what we mean by them when we use them.

Church Words #1: The Church

Church Words #2: Church Invisible, Visible, Etc.

Church Words #3: Communion of Saints

Church Words #4: Catholic

Church Words #5: Evangelical

Church Words #6: Lutheran

Church Words #7: Congregation

Church Words #8: Apostolic

Church Words #9: Christian

Church Words #9b: Orthodox

Church Words #10: Holy

Church Words #11: Time and Eternity

Church Words #12: Omnipresent

Church Words #13: Omnipotent

Church Words #14: Faith

Church Words #15: Hope

Church Words #16: Love

Church Words #17: Grace

Church Words #18: Peace

Church Words #19: Ministry

Church Words #20: Mercy

Church Words #21: Self-Control

Church Words #22: Redemption

Church Words #23: Compassion

Church Words #24: Salvation

Church Words #25: Atonement, Reconciliation

Church Words #26: Good Works

Church Words #27: Adoption

Church Words #28: Justification

Church Words #29: Sanctification

Church Words #30: Iconoclasm

Digging Into the Old Testament

Pastor Hermcamp tells the story of how Christians viewed and interpreted the Old Testament.

Digging into the Old Testament #1: Digging into the Old Testament

Digging into the Old Testament #2: The Ebionites

Digging into the Old Testament #3: Marcion

Digging into the Old Testament #4: The Theological Schools of Alexandria and Antioch

Digging into the Old Testament #5: Torah, Torah, Torah

Material Principle: Ephesians 1 & 2

To find your way around a town, you need a map. Theologians have created a number of different systematic theologies — maps of Christian doctrine. In a sense, St. Paul does this in the first and second chapters of Ephesians. These posts walk us through the basics of Christian theology using the Ephesians map.

Formal and Material Principles

Material Principle 1: How Do We Know What God Thinks About Us?

Material Principle 2: So, Does God Hate Me?

Material Principle 3: For Christ’s Sake

Material Principle 4: God’s Masks

Material Principle 5: Means of Grace

Material Principle 6: Faith

Material Principle 7: Salvation Guaranteed

Material Principle 8: Hope

Material Principle 9: What does it mean to be saved anyway?

Material Principle 10: Grace Alone, Faith Alone?

Material Principle 11: Christians and Good Works

How to Read the Bible

The Scriptures were written over a thousand years in three languages. The newest books were finished nearly two thousand years ago. The people who wrote them down and the people who were subjects of the Scripture lived in cultures very different than modern ones and thought of the world in very different ways. How can we understand them without a lifetime of study? Fortunately, Lutheran scholars have discovered proven ways to go about it and have recorded them in a series of rules. Together they are known as Biblical hermeneutics. Here are some of these rules to guide you in studying God’s word.

Rule #1: Reading the Bible

Rule #2: The Bible is All About Jesus

Rule #3: Two Main Teachings of the Bible

Rule #4: Use the Bible to Understand the Bible

Rule #5: Look for the Intended Meaning

Rule #6: Location, Location, Location

Rule #7: Respect the Original Languages

Rule #8: Avoid Anachronism (or don’t make Jesus time traveler)

Preparation for the Gospel

Preparation for the Gospel #1: Judaism

Preparation for the Gospel #2: Alexander the Great

Preparation for the Gospel #3: The Great Library of Alexandria

Preparation for the Gospel #4: Zeus in the Holy of Holies

Preparation for the Gospel #5: The Herods of Edom

Preparation for the Gospel #6: The Peace of Rome

Sunday School Lesson Background Posts

During the nearly twenty years my wife was sunday school superintendent in two congregations, I wrote a weekly newsletter to help parents review the week’s lessons and apply the point we made to their children’s live. One feature was the Did you know? paragraphs. The idea was to teach the parents something they did not know about the story. These posts expand on those paragraphs for this blog.

Old Testament

Sunday School #1: God Makes the World

Sunday School #2: God Makes Adam and Eve

Sunday School #3: Sin Enters the World

Sunday School #4: Cain and Abel

Sunday School #5: Noah’s Ark

Sunday School #6: The Tower of Babel

Sunday School #7: Job and Suffering even when we don’t know why

Sunday School #8: Abraham, Sarah and Isaac

Sunday School #9: God provides a Lamb for Abraham

Sunday School #10: Isaac and Rebekah

Sunday School #11: Isaac and Rebekah’s Favorite Sons

Sunday School #12: Joseph and His Brothers

Sunday School #13: Joseph Serves in Egypt

Sunday School #14 : Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Sunday School #15: Baby Moses Adopted by Pharaoh’s Daughter

Sunday School #16: Moses and the Burning Bush

Sunday School #17: Moses, Pharaoh and the Plagues

Sunday School #18: The First Passover

Sunday School #19: The Exodus

Sunday School #20: Bread from Heaven

Sunday School #21: Joshua and the Battle of Jericho

Sunday School #22: Deborah and the Judges

Sunday School #23: Ruth

Sunday School #24: Samuel’s Call

Sunday School #25: King Saul

Sunday School #27: David and Goliath

Sunday School : David and Saul

Sunday School: David Anointed King

Sunday School: Solomon Asks for Wisdom

Sunday School: Elijah, The Man of God when There were Few

Sunday School: Elijah’s Mantle on Elijah Cast

Sunday School: Jeremiah the Weeping Prophet

Sunday School: Jonah and the Unforgivable

Sunday School: Isaiah

Sunday School: King Hezekiah and the Assyrian Siege

Sunday School: King Hezekiah Celebrates Passover

Sunday School: King Josiah

Sunday School: Ezekiel, a Prophet in Exile

Sunday School: Three Men in the Furnace — or is it Four?

Sunday School : Daniel and the Lions

Sunday School: Esther and Mordecai

Sunday School: Prophets Told of Jesus’ Coming

Sunday School: Malachi, The Last of the Old Testament Prophets — Almost

New Testament Posts

A Walk Through the Liturgy

Pastor Jacob Hercamp takes us through the Divine Service, explaining the traditions behind what we say and do in the historic liturgy of the Church.

Walk Through the Liturgy #1: Confession and Absolution

Walk Through the Liturgy #2: The Sign of the Cross

Walk Through the Liturgy #3: The Introit

Walk Through the Liturgy #4: The Kyrie

Walk Through the Liturgy #5: The Collect of the Day

Walk Through the Liturgy #6: The Readings

Walk Through the Liturgy #7: The Creed

Walk Through the Liturgy #8: The Hymn of the Day

Walk Through the Liturgy #9: The Sermon

Walk Through the Liturgy #10: The Offertory

Walk Through the Liturgy #11: The Offering

Walk Through the Liturgy #12: The Prayer of the Church

Walk Through the Liturgy #13: The Preface and Proper Preface

Walk Through the Liturgy #14: The Sanctus

Walk Through the Liturgy #15: The Lord’s Prayer

Walk Through the Liturgy #16: What’s Not There

Walk Through the Liturgy #17: The Words of our Lord Part 1

Walk Through the Liturgy #18: The Words of our Lord Part 2

Walk Through the Liturgy #19: The Words of our Lord, Part 3

Walk Through the Liturgy #20: The Pax Domini

Walk Through the Liturgy #21: Agnus Dei

Walk Through the Liturgy #22: The Distribution

Walk Through the Liturgy #23: The Nunc Dimittis

Walk Through the Liturgy #24: The Thanksgiving and Collect

Walk Through the Liturgy #25: The Benedicamus

Walk Through the Liturgy #26: The Benediction

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