The Thread of God’s Love

Grace, mercy, and peace be unto you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

I love the service of Lessons and Carols because of how many readings we are able to hear. The story of God’s love for his fallen creation is evident all the way through the readings. I would recommend you to read your Bible with this in the back of your mind. Because really, that is what this is all about: How God loves His fallen sinful creation so much that He would dare to send His Son into the world to save it.

What joy and peace one has when that is known and believed! Adam and Eve had fallen from paradise. They had been kicked out. Yet, God’s love for them did not change. His demeanor did not change. They were the ones who changed. They were the ones who tried to hide and cover their shame with fig leaves. It was God who called out to them, found them, and had them come clean about what took place. Yes, they sinned against God and had fallen into and under the curse of the Law, yet God promised that He would act by giving the woman an offspring who would vanquish the serpent by crushing his head. And in this promise did Adam and Eve hope. They hoped and longed for that child to come.

Even in the midst of sin, God was loving his fallen creation, working to bring it back to Himself. But it was not going to come to right away. He was going to show throughout the rest of the Old Testament how He was going to work to bring about His people’s redemption. We learn from Abraham and Isaac that the Lord God would send the Son to be a substitute, like the ram was for Isaac in the end.

When the Son would come, He would show love to those sitting in the darkness of their own sins and sufferings, by shining His light upon them that they be saved. And this for all peoples. And the zeal of the Lord of hosts would make this occur. And his rule would bring peace which only the Lord could bring. This child would bring about peace only known in Eden. Why does God do this? Because He loves us, and desires us to be reconciled to Him. His Son would be the one through whom they would come. So, he sends His Son for you and your salvation.

And with Matthew 1 and Luke 2, we learn who this child is, and how God will continue to show us His Love for us. For He is none other than God in the Flesh, Emmanuel, God with Us. And the God who is us is also the God who saves from sins: Jesus. And we with the Heavenly Host should rejoice and sing Glory to God in the Highest! For by sending us His Son, God and man are reconciled. Sins of all kinds will be taken care by Him because of His great love for his creation.

God is love says John the apostle in his 1st letter. It is His nature to love. And We know his love in this way: He did what He promised! The love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent His only Son into the world, so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. The birth of Christ is indeed joyful, God is with us! But that is not the end of God’s love in action. No, not by a long shot. God’s love comes to full manifestation a few decades later on a cross outside the city of Jerusalem where the Son given would give himself up for you and for the world. There He would die, and speak words of love: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

And what His love still shines. For Christ overcame death by his resurrection. And we live in His Resurrection. You have been brought into the resurrected life by the waters of Holy Baptism, where you are an heir of everlasting. You now live by the light of Christ! So, live in that light. This is the light that is the true life of men. The Light has come and the darkness cannot overcome it. Live in Christ, who loves you to death, and love one another just as Christ has loved you.

That means speaking to one another and asking for forgiveness and given forgiveness to one another because that is the living in the Light of Christ. Act as children of God, for that is what you are, you are his baptized children. Show mercy to one another for you have been shown mercy and love by God.

The Christ Candle is aptly called the Christ candle for it is lit and prominently displayed during the Christmas season and then again in the season of Easter. You would not be celebrating Christmas if Easter didn’t happen. For why would we celebrate and remember the birth of a God-Man who died but did not rise triumphantly over the grave? And also, we would not be celebrating Easter if the miracle of God becoming Man did not happen, for only the blood of God would suffice to pay our ransom from sin and death. There would be no salvation given to all humanity without the death and resurrection of the Word made flesh.

Remember the loving work of Christ as you look at the Christ candle. Know the Lord’s great love for you, promising to come and save you, and fulfilling His promise by being born of the virgin. And remember that this day is just the beginning of the acts of love that our Lord does for us in His flesh. For He goes to the cross for you. He rises for you in His flesh. He ascends in His Flesh to the right hand of God, and still in love for you now gives you His body and blood in the blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Look at the Christ Candle and know Christ is here in love for you and for your salvation from sin and death. Rejoice with the angels of the heavenly host. Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to His People on Earth! For the Light has shined on us who were in darkness. The very light of the only begotten. And by Him we have everlasting life!

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Rev. Jacob Hercamp 
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 
La Grange, MO

©2020 Jacob Hercamp. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

The Lord Kept and Continues to Keep His Promise

Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and the Lord and Savior born to you this night Jesus Christ. Amen.

The People who walked in darkness have seen a great light. The first people to see that light were the people to ever live: Adam and Eve. With their sin, they had plunged both themselves into the darkness of sin and death. But God came to them with a light of hope. A promise. He would fix what they had done. He would restore creation. He would restore them. He would give them a Savior.

How was this to be done? The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will do this.

And tonight, we rejoice that the Lord has done it. Promise kept. In the city of David, the sleepy little Bethlehem, the child Isaiah prophesied would be born, the Wonderful, the Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. That child was born.

And then it was the shepherds turn to see the light. Go to Bethlehem and see, the angel told them, for there is the Christ, the Lord. Don’t let the swaddling clothese or the manger fool you. It really is Him, the prince of peace. Your savior.

For God always keeps his promises. Always.

I don’t. You don’t. Sometimes because I am a sinner and I fail. Sometimes because something happens and I no longer want to keep my promise, so I take it back instead. Sometimes  I promise something I can’t do. But even when I want to keep a promise, and try mightily to do so, sometimes I just can’t. Maybe you got promised that someone would be here for Christmas, but they got stuck in bad weather. The Friends Song, I’ll be there for you, is a perfect example of how we wish we could be there for someone but really can’t always fulfill the promise.

But God… He always delivers. Because if He kept this promise, this promise of all promises, which other one would He not keep?

To us a child is born, to us a son is given because of his great zeal and love for you.

God sends His son into our sinful world, our world of sin and death, a world of broken promises. And He sends Him here to take our sin and our shames upon himself and He suffers our sins penalty. This babe which we adore this night, will be rejected by the very ones He is saving as He is condemned and crucified, and then even forsake by His Father. Doing it all for you out of his zeal and love for you and your salvation.

Many years before this God tested Abraham, we heard a little bit of that story in the Lessons and Carols service tonight, where God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice His Son Isaac. God eventually did not make Abraham go through the actual process of slaughtering his son. But the Son of God? That Son would not be spared. He died to save you. Just as the heavenly Father promised. And the Son did it willingly out of his love and zeal for you.

And if God did that and kept that promise for you, everything is else is easy, don’t you think? That’s how much God loves you. A love He doesn’t just speak, but a love that He acts upon. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. Or in other words if you ever doubt whether God loves you, swaddling clothes a manger shows just how much he truly does. And it shows what He will do for you. He humbled Himself when He was born of a Virgin. And He humbled himself to the point of suffering death, death on a cross.

God had done a lot through the many years of waiting for this night. Wonderful works, great miracles, awesome power on display. Splitting seas apart, sending the bread from heaven for 40 years, defeating all kinds of armies. But nothing so great this; as a baby lying is swaddling cloths in a manger. This is his greatest work. His greatest miracle for you.

Sometimes He gets overshadowed by the lights of the world, or by the darkness in our hearts and lives – the struggles, the pains, cares, worries, broken promises that seem to come rolling in one after another.

And so it is exactly to us that Isaiah speaks tonight. Whether you’re in the darkness of the world’s lights, or the darkness of sin and sorrow and death, the people walking in darkness have seen a great light. Or as Paul puts it, the grace of God has appeared.

God has continued to give a lot. To people of old and to even to us. But no gift greater than this Son. The gift of a promise kept. The promise of life and salvation in this Son, Jesus our Lord.

Some gifts we receive get broken and thrown away. Some change the present and some change the future. But this gift of the Son born to the Virgin, changes us. It changes us from rebels to Sons, from sinners to saints, from being dead to being alive. For when the forgiveness of sins and love of God come to you and abides in  you, how can that not change you?

Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. As do we.

The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God. As do we.

The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this. And the Lord of hosts has. His zeal for you, His strong desire to love you and save you.

A zeal which now also lives in you, as we are the people of which Paul speaks, a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works. Because this Son now lives in you. His love and forgiveness  live in you. And so too his zeal and good works.

So tonight we see again this great light. The grace of God, the glory of God, the Son of God, wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger. Fear not; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. The promise kept.


Rev. Jacob Hercamp 
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 
La Grange, MO

©2020 Jacob Hercamp. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

(Re)Building a House

Grace, mercy, and peace be unto you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

David had a fine desire. He, who was building his own house in Jerusalem, desired for the Lord to have such a house as well. A temple to dwell in the midst of His people. For no longer were the people wandering in the wilderness, but had finally been brought into the promised land and had taken over Jerusalem and made it their own. It was time for the ark to stop dwelling in a tent, a more permanent structure ought to be built on Mt. Zion. And David had the blessing of the prophet Nathan to go and pursue it.

But then we hear God’s own words about the situation. God did not ask for such a house in all of the time of the people’s wanderings. And in fact, God tells David it will not be you who builds me a house, but rather I am going to build you a house. A house that will not fall. That one of your own offspring will sit upon the throne forever. It’s the continuation of the promise made to Adam and Eve, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, David, and the list goes on. The house of David, which the Lord promised to establish comes all the way down to a virgin named Mary, who was betrothed to Joseph who was of the house and line of David. Joseph was a nobody. David and his house were just a stump, a nub, a memory of better days for Israel.

From an earthly view point, the house of David had fallen on extremely hard times. The earthly kingdom and rule of the Davidic Dynasty did not last very long at least as one united kingdom. David united the 12 tribes; Jerusalem was the capitol. But already, David’s house was filled with strife. Just a few chapters later in 2 Samuel we learn of David’s sin with Bathsheba, the attempt to cover up of a sexual indiscretion, then ultimately having Bathsheba’s husband killed in battle. The same prophet Nathan who gives approval of David’s desire to build the Lord a house is the man who comes and calls David to repentance and speaks to him the consequences of his sin. David’s sons would fight over the throne, Solomon would become king and remain king over the 12 tribes, but with his son Rehoboam, the country unraveled. Split in two. And the kings that followed in David’s line were pretty awful more often than not. Only a few actually had a desire to follow in the ways of their father David, having a living faith and trust in the Lord. And then the kingdom was taken from them. Babylon came and carried off their king. They carried off the nobles and the rest of the people is subsequent years as the Lord has warned for years by the mouths of his prophets.  In the day that Gabriel visited Mary, the people of Israel are no longer free, but under Roman occupation. They don’t really have their own place any more. And violent men still afflict them. The house of David was full of violent men, the sword would not leave that house. The promise of the David’s house remaining forever? Not even close.

But God does not work according the ways of the world. As Paul says, the world considers God’s actions and ways foolish. Consider the cross of the Christ. “The Word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. ” 

Here is the folly of the Lord now. He sends his Angel Gabriel to Mary to speak to her that she who is a virgin will bear a son. And its not just any son, but the very Son of God. The Son of the Most High. That house of David, in all its shambles? Yep, its being rebuilt. A shoot is coming from Jesse’s stump. The throne upon which this Son will sit forever? It’s not a kingdom of this world. It is the throne of heaven. And even in the womb of Mary, God would be there sitting on His throne. And He would be coming to establish the house of David forever. But it’s a crazy promise. How can this be? Mary is still a virgin. Gabriel speaks the truth, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God.”

It must be this way otherwise the Son would not be holy. This is a confession of Original Sin. We pass that original sin from Adam and Eve is transmitted through carnal conception and birth from father and mother. But in Christ’s birth? No seed from the father, no original sin. Christ is born without sin and is the perfect man for you. Yet He is also true God come to save and remove from you and all people the sins and the ultimate consequence of your sins: death.

And Mary believed the words of Gabriel, the messenger of the Lord. And like her Father Abraham many generations before, it was credited to her as righteousness. Mary is called the favored one. We sang it today: Most highly favored Lady. She is the Mother of God and rightfully should be remembered. And yet at the same time, she is not a perfect person either. She was a sinner just like you and me. By nature, sinful and unclean. Hence why she goes on to sing her song: “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” She knew she also needed a savior. The human house and line she was a part of needed to be redeemed.

You all know the song, Mary Did You Know?, And you probably have seen the facebook memes floating around with that question to the Virgin Mary and words in the mouth of Mary, “Yes, Gabriel told me.” She was told her son would be called the Son of God, but I doubt that she had any idea of when He would be called the Son of God. The Disciples would call Jesus the Son of God, when in the boat after watching Jesus walk on the water. But other than that, only Satan, the demons use that title of Jesus. It’s used very seldomly. But it’s used most prominently during the time of Christ’s passion. And it’s a Roman Centurion who says, “Surely, this was the Son of God” upon seeing what all took place at the time of his death.

Jesus would be known as the Son of God in his act of love for his people. The King would come into the holy city, to much and great fanfare but his crown would first be one of thorns. He would take his position as King at His cross.  “Nails, spear, shall pierce him through, the cross he borne for me, for you. Hail, Hail the word made flesh, the babe the Son of Mary” (LSB 370 What Child is This, stanza 2).

And by his birth, life, death and resurrection, He establishes a house. And it’s a house that lasts forever. It’s a house which you have been brought into, like Mary by the hearing and trusting of the Word. “Behold I am a servant, let it be to me according to you word.” And Christ speaks to you words of comfort and joy. You who were once in the darkness of sin and death, know that Christ has come to carry your burden of sin and death to the cross. You are forgiven for Christ’s sake and welcomed into the house prepared for you.

God speaks wonderful promises. He spoke to David of establishing a house, and now he speaks to you promising that you are part of that house. You are welcomed into that house as His child by the waters of holy baptism. The world says its foolish and weird. How can water do such great things? Its not just water but rather its water with the Word of God along with the faith that trusts this word of God that makes Holy Baptism what it is, a lavish washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior. Nothing is impossible with God. Why doubt the Lord’s promises made to you now if he kept even a bigger promise in the past? He sent His Son, born of the Virgin, as He promised David and those before Him. Jesus came and dealt with sin and death by the cross, and rose from the dead. Just as He said He would. Why we sit back and doubt the promises made by God to us in Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper now is beyond me. But we all do from time to time. Repent. The Lord is faithful and true. Do not spurn His Word and His promises but take them to heart and trust them.

If we cannot be like Mary and say, “Let it be to me according to you word, may we be like the Father of the demon possessed son. “Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!” Because we will have times of forget the Lord and doubt his promise to show us mercy and steadfast love. Even Mary seemed to have forgotten who Jesus was when they searched frantically for Jesus in Jerusalem. He had to be in His Father’s house doing His Father’s business. But that is the reason to run to the altar and to receive the body and blood of your Lord all the more. It is the meal of those of the house. Christ welcomes you with open arms to His table. “Come, you who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” “Come, taste and see that the Lord is good.” Be strengthened in your faith, trusting the words of promise spoken to you: This is my body, This is my blood, given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. What grand promises made to you.  

God’s promise to David was kept. The throne of David was established forever, through the sending of His only begotten Son into the flesh via the womb of Mary. And God continues to keep His promises He has made to you. You are part of that house that Christ has established. Let it be. Amen, Lord. Yes, Lord, let it be me to according to your Word.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rev. Jacob Hercamp 
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 
La Grange, MO

©2020 Jacob Hercamp. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Advent and Joy

Grace, mercy, and peace be unto you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

There has not been a lot to rejoice over in 2020, at least if you were looking at 2020 from say 38,000 feet. We have seen loved ones die. We have seen businesses shut down and close their doors. We have seen wildfires out west. Riots in the cities. Political and cultural discord becoming much more prevalent in every day life. We have seen friends go to the hospital with the virus. We have not been able to see loved ones in the ways we normally do. We couldn’t celebrate the 165th anniversary of our congregation with the fanfare it deserved. Events cancelled. From 38,000 feet 2020 looks like a dumpster fire that will still be smoking well into 2021.

But if you land that plane and begin walking around, you would find things that would cause one to have joy and rejoice. Maybe it was getting to be an eye witness of a friend’s wedding. Getting to witness the Lord bring another dear child into His Family via Holy Baptism. Watching your son graduate high school, albeit in a socially distanced manner. Perhaps it was just spending time at home going through those closets that needed cleaning but never got the time due to your busy schedules. Maybe it was the summer months being outside and enjoying the pool deck. Getting your beans planted and harvested, and seeing a good yield. Or having the opportunity to be in this place Sunday in Sunday out, Wednesday in Wednesday out. When we begin to look deeply at 2020, I think we all could find more things to rejoice over than what meets the eye at 38,000 feet.

The prophet Zechariah was a prophet to the people of Israel after they had returned to the land of Israel from exile in Babylon. From 38,000 feet life looked like a bit of a dumpster fire. Yeah, they had returned to their land, but the temple, it paled in comparison to what they had before their exile. They had their own social issues to work through: what do they do with the numerous widows, orphans, and foreigners in their midst? It did not always go well. The once large population was decimated to a mere remnant. Israel was a shell of its former self at best. Broken and beat down, licking their wounds even though they were now back in their own land. Not a lot there to rejoice over either, at least from the altitude of 38,000 feet.

But get down on the surface and you find reason to rejoice. Listen to Zechariah to this despondent lot. “Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion, for behold I come and I will dwell in your midst, declares the Lord. And many nations shall join themselves to the Lord in that day, and shall be my people. And I will dwell in your midst, and you shall know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you. And the Lord will inherit Judah as His portion in the holy land, and will again choose Jerusalem.”

And the prayer that God actually bring this to fruition: the prayer that we heard back on the first Sunday of Advent is happening. Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down! “Be silent, all flesh, before the Lord, for He has roused himself from His holy dwelling.” God is coming. He is coming to save. So, rejoice Daughter of Zion. Rejoice and be glad. God is coming to be with you: Emmanuel. To save you.

There’s much to rejoice over for God promised to be dwell in the midst of his people and to bring many nations into his fold. For in the middle of the dumpster fire of our time, while we were yet sinners, God the Son came and dwelt among His people. The time had come.

Tonight’s reading from the Gospel gives us Mary’s song. When Mary was told that she would be the mother of her Lord, it had to at least bring upon her some questions. A year when she was betrothed and to be married to Joseph, a very joyous occasion, now would have to clear a very difficult hurdle. I can only imagine that conversation. We know what Joseph set out to do. He had planned to divorce her quietly over the situation. From 38,000 feet Mary was in the middle of her own dumpster fire situation. A lowly girl of humble estate, nothing to look at. But she is not concerned with that. She rejoices in God her Savior. For He was coming to the world which was created through Him that the world might be saved and reconciled to the heavenly Father.

It’s Mary’s womb by which the Word would become flesh and tabernacle among His people. And Mary rejoices in God her savior, playing the part of the faithful servant. She sings and we with her those beautiful words of her song of praise. For in midst of our own times of suffering, Christ, the Lord comes to be with His people. He chose to come and save you. He roused himself from his holy dwelling and came to dwell with you. To give you light in the midst of the darkness of our sin and sin-filled world. To bring you great joy and peace. To make you heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Rejoice. For the Lord whom Zechariah and the faithful remnant of Israel hoped did indeed. He is the babe, the son of Mary.

God literally gets his hands dirty and works to put out the fires and make things right. And He begins by turning the whole world upside down. It’s the humble who will be exalted. It’s the hungry being filled with Good Things. The poor have good news preached to them. The rich are sent empty away. Sins are being dealt with and are being forgiven. The author of life is here for you. And He grants you new life in Him. By His death on the cross and His resurrection you have the promise of everlasting life with Him forever. And it is there at the cross that the nations are joined to Him and together. Rejoice for God has come, He is Emmanuel, God with us. His Name is Jesus. The Lord saves. God is with us to save us. Rejoice, O Daughter of Zion.

Even in the trials and tribulations that we face now we can still rejoice and have joy. It does not mean that everything will be easy in this life. Far from it. And it does not mean that this life will be “fair.” But we can still rejoice knowing that our God cares and actually came to be with us in our sufferings, having promised that our time of suffering will end. In His coming, He has made everything right. And continues to do so, even when we don’t feel it is. When Christ returns at the last, you who put your trust in Him will be vindicated. For now, rejoice in all circumstances. Look at St. Paul as an example. In all circumstances He is able to rejoice in God His Savior. When times are bad, rejoice and lift up your head and know the day of your salvation draws nigh. When times are good, rejoice in the plentiful blessings that God has granted to you for the day. Rejoice in the Lord always.

So, we come here to our Lord’s altar, rejoicing in the faithfulness of God who promises to come and be in our midst. He is here for us in Word and Sacrament that we might be saved from our sin and eternal death. He comes bearing you gifts of forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, filling you with the good things: His body and blood. Remembering you in mercy. Rejoice, for God has shown his mercy and continues to shower you with His mercy. He has not forgotten you but has indeed come into your midst to save you.

The third candle of Advent is the rose color, pointing us to the find our joy and rejoice in the One who has come into our midst to save us. Let us then rejoice with the Mary and the whole church in God our Savior, who did what He promised, and the promise of His return.

Rev. Jacob Hercamp 
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 
La Grange, MO

©2020 Jacob Hercamp. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

The Great Cloud of Witnesses

Encore Posts: Once every four years, the world pauses to watch the Olympics. Among the most exciting of the sports contested are the foot races, where the fastest men and women to ever walk the earth run nearly as fast as each other, the winner crossing the finish line a few thousandths of a second ahead of the others. The crowds That pack the stands cheer them on. The loudest are coaches urging them on.

The Book of Hebrews uses is image to describe the assembly of the church triumpant — all of God’s holy ones — his saints — who have died and now live in God’s presence forever. They form a “great cloud of witnesses” cheering us on. (Hebrews 12:1-2)  Also our coach, Jesus, stands at the finish line. We focus on him as we run our race because he endured the cross before us and for us.  When we worship, we enter eternity and join them, the “whole company of heaven”, in praising God.

All Saints’ Day is an ancient celebration — begun in the Eighth Century (700s AD) It was intended celebrate all the Saints that did not have a special day assigned for them. Lutherans have kept this day a sort of Christian Memorial Day. We remember the Christians in our lives who have died and now rest with Christ, especially those who entered eternal life in the last year. It is a joyful day, more so than the day of their funeral, where grief is more intense. Most parishes read their names during worship. Some use other ways to remember — distributing flowers, lighting votive candles or other practices special to them.

Yet our celebration is not about the saints — even our loved ones. It is about Jesus, their Savior, who by his death has destroyed death and by his resurrection opened the kingdom to all believers. He is the author and perfecter of our faith, who, for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of God. It is because he is risen that they — and we — will rise on the last day. So, we dry the tears in our eyes, for he is risen! He is risen indeed! Allelujah!

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

It’s All About Jesus

Encore Post: As we get to know God and the Christian faith, we run into many things that are not easy, even downright impossible to understand. Of course, God knows this and reveals himself to us in the Holy Scriptures. But sometimes even the Bible Is difficult to figure out. One thing that is certain. If we want to get to know God, we can get to know Jesus. In a way, all of theology, the study of God and His word, is Christology — the study of Jesus.

God’s law contains many commandments, yet these can be summed up in two. In the same way, there are many teachings in the Bible, divided into many subjects, yet all of Scripture speaks about Jesus. (Luke 24:25-27John 5:39, Acts 10:43) No one has seen the Father, but the Son reveals him. (John 1:18, John 14:9) No one truly knows the Father except the Son and those to whom he shows the Father. (Matthew 11:27) In Jesus, God lives in bodily form.

With the Father and the Holy Spirit, Jesus created the world. (John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:16) In the form of the Angel of the Lord, He stayed the hand of Abraham as he was about to sacrifice Isaac (Genesis 22:11-19), spoke to Moses from the burning bush (Exodus 3) and in many other times and places throughout the history of Israel. He is the promised Messiah who, at just the right time (Galatians 4:4) was born to save us from our sins. (Matthew 1:21-22) He is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. By his suffering, death, resurrection and ascension, he has paid the penalty for all our sins, satisfied the demands of the law for us and won for us the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation.

And that is not all, Jesus is with us today when we gather in his name and he gives to us his body and blood with bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins. He understands our struggles, because he is in every way like us, except he did not sin. He prays to the father for us and prepares a place for us with him where we will live forever. On the last day, he will raise us from the dead and we will live with him forever. This is when we want to know God, we get to know Jesus, his Son, our Lord, Savior and brother.

©2019 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Adopted as Sons

Encore Post: A child is born in ancient Rome. The baby is carefully cleaned and tenderly wrapped. She is brought to the father of the family (pater familias) and set at his feet. The household watches to see what the father will do. If he picks up the child and says, “this is my son,” the baby will be an heir in the family, even if the mother is a slave. If he turns and walks a way, the child will be set outside in the street, exposed to the fates and not a part of the family. By this and similar legal proceedings, a free Roman could adopt anyone he wishes and grant all the rights and privileges due to his children to that person. In Greek, the word is υἱοθεσία (huiothesia, the placing as a son, the adoption as a son)

Because he loves us, God arranged for us to be adopted as his sons (Ephesians 1:4-5).  At just the right time, the Father sent his Son, to be born of the Virgin Mary, to redeem us by his sinless life, suffering, death on the cross and resurrection, so that we might be adopted as his sons in our baptism. He then sent his Holy Spirit into our hearts, so that now we can call him “Abba” — “Daddy.” (Galatians 4:4-7) The Holy Spirit testified to all of this. Now, since we are God’s heirs — heirs with Christ, we share in his sufferings in order to share in his glory. (Romans 8:15-17) We await the final adoption decree, the resurrection of our bodies at the end of time. (Romans 8:23)

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Jesus is Lord

Encore Post: Christians are a confessing people. That should not surprise anyone. After all, Jesus told us we would be his witnesses in every part of the world. He directed us to make disciples from every people, going to them, baptizing them and teaching them everything he taught us. (Matthew 28:16-20)

From the very beginning, Christians have spoken together short summaries of what they believed. Several of these are in the New Testament itself. The most important is the sentence, “Jesus Christ is Lord.”

The Jewish people did not speak the name of God — Yahweh. Instead, they said, “my Lord.” When Christians confessed that Jesus was Lord, they were implying he is God. When they called Jesus Lord, the were echoing the Christmas angel, who told the shepherds he was “a savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11) When Christians call Jesus Lord, they do so by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:3) When we confess Jesus as Lord, we do what all people will confess on the Last Day. (Philippians 2:10-11)

As Roman persecutors were to discover, this confession was so precious to Christians, that they would rather die than call anyone else Lord. When called upon to burn incense on an altar dedicated to Caesar as a god, saying Caesar is Lord, they refused. They counted it a blessing to suffer and die as a martyr — a witness for their Lord.

Blog Post Series

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Children of the Heavenly Father Forgive

Grace, mercy, and peace be unto you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Ever the great catechist, Jesus, gives us, his catechumens, the same lesson in a different form. We ought to forgive one another so that we might be reconciled to one another but more importantly be reconciled to God our heavenly Father who forgives us or debts for the sake the Lord Jesus Christ who suffered on the cross for the sins of the world. We are after all children of a Father who forgives.

Peter’s question gives Jesus the opportunity to give the parable of the unforgiving servant. We might want to be like Peter, “Lord, how many times do I have to forgive?” He still does the same thing over and over again. He never says he is sorry for what he does. There does not seem to be any genuineness. Do I really need to give forgiveness? When is enough, enough?

It is so much easier to give forgiveness when the person who committed the sin against us says they are sorry. But perhaps we need to take a step back. In today’s world repentance, confession, and absolution are all confused. Peter along with the disciples didn’t seem to get it right away either, as his question reveals.

Let’s go back to last week for a moment. God says he hates sin. He takes sin so seriously that he sends his men to speak his warnings as well as how sin is dealt with. Acts of sin bring judgment and if the warnings are not heeded that judgement will come. And it will not end well for the sinner. So, we need to know what our sins are. We need to know what God says is sin, and we learn that by his 10 commandments. Jesus does a deep dive excursus on these commandments in the Sermon on the Mount and now here we are where Jesus starts talking to his disciples about when they are being sinned against no matter the context, go to the person who committed the sin against you call out the sin that was committed, call it by name and be reconciled, granting forgiveness.  

Only when we identify sin as sin, are we able to then move on towards repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Knowing sin comes by knowing God’s Word where He defines it. Because let’s face it, if we do not know what God defines as sin, we will not be able to tell a person that they sinned against us in order that we forgive them properly as God desires us to do. Also, when we sin against someone else it difficult to repent of something, we don’t know to be a sin. And if we don’t believe what we are doing to be sin, then we certainly will not seek the forgiveness of sins found in Christ Jesus.

So first we need to know what sin is. And we should also add in we need to know what the consequences of sin is. God tell us straight up: “The consequence of sin is death.” But God does not desire the death of the sinner. That is already established. In His great mercy, God has given us His Son Jesus Christ as the one who stands in our place, taking into himself the punishment of death and hell that should be for us. Christ comes proclaiming that God has been reconciled to his creation in the giving of the Son at the Cross. Forgiveness of sins comes by way of the cross where the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ flowed.

Yet, we keep on sinning. We still transgress against every single one of those 10 commandments. We are sitting ducks for the hungry serpent seeking to devour his next victims, especially if our consciences are so seared that we feel no guilt, regret, or shame for our sinful words and deeds. The world has thrown the Law of God out the window and the really the word sin, except for the most egregious things or the sin of being politically incorrect, or speaking against the tide of culture. You can see the moral degradation all around us. And what is worse is that we, who ought to know better being Children of God by Holy Baptism, go along with it. Like the World, we sin against God thinking we know better than He. Or we think we can declare God’s Word to be obsolete and behind with the times and thus follow the flow of culture. We allow our own children and grandchildren to follow in the ways of the world far too often, to do things which are contrary to God’s word. Sins which we let go unchecked causes pain to not just the person who commits the sin but there is also collateral damage done. A so-called individual sin that shouldn’t hurt anyone hurts a lot more people than you think and can lead many to their own sins too. And he heard what should happen to someone who causes a little one who believes in Christ to sin. Repent. Yes, we all have left sin unchecked. We have failed to identify sin as sin. We have failed to seek out our brother when we have been wronged. And we have tried to cover up our own actions and deeds where we have sinned against someone else.

We need to be made aware of our debts. And if we are honest our debts are to numerous to count. Unfortunately, this practice has all but been lost, especially in our Lutheran Churches, but when Luther lived He went to confession. Private Confession. Now at the time it was taught that you must confess every sin that you had ever done since your last confession. In other words, you had to innumerate your sins. Luther could spend hours at a time in that confessional booth. On one occasion Luther left the confessional only to come running back to the booth because he forgot one or two sins. The Church no longer says that we need innumerate our sins. For who can know all of his errors? But knowing our debts and our sins are important because then we just can see how merciful our Lord and God is to us for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ. And by our Lord’s messengers, the Gospel is proclaimed so that faith in Christ be created. We hear Christ was crucified for Me. He died for Me.

For we are like the one with a 10,000 talent debt. We have sin up to our eyeballs and we won’t stop sinning.  There is no way we can pay what we owe. We can only throw ourselves at the mercy of the Judge. Lord, mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. And God has had mercy on us for the sake of Christ, who came to die for the sin of the world, paying the debt we owe. Paying not with gold or silver but with his holy and precious blood poured out for us and the world at the cross.

Last Sunday we talked a little about how God deals with the problem of sin in the Kingdom of Right, the Church, by going to the heart and changing them. Ezekiel talks about a heart transplant. When our hearts are changed by the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, we then can forgive those who have brought us pain, suffering, and grief because of sins. A sinful heart will not forgive. But a heart made new in the image of Christ will. Mercy has been shown to you by God your Father in Heaven. If you are children of the Father in Heaven, you then will also show mercy to your brothers and sisters. For God did not send Christ only to pay for your debt, but Christ paid the debt of all mankind. Christ died for the sins of that person who has sinned against you, so then you also should forgive them. Just like God forgives you.  It plays out time and time again when you hear the news of a senseless death, if Christians, the family will speak forgiveness to the person. One such event the brother of such a victim spoke directly to his brother’s murderer and said “I hope you go to God with all your guilt, all the bad things you might have done in the past, I know I speak for myself, I forgive you, and I know if you go to God and ask Him, He will forgive you. And I love you just like anyone else.” The world cannot even begin to deal with this type of behavior. At the time political activists and journalists came unglued and unhinged at the forgiveness given by this man to the murderer of his brother. They wanted hate to spewed. The did not want forgiveness to be offered but anger to held on to. But you, a child of the Heavenly Father, forgive your brother, for your Heavenly Father has forgiven you.  

But it is hard to do! It is hard to do because we are still sinful and we are still sinned against! We still agonize over the hurtful and angry words spewed our way because of our own positions and opinion. We don’t like to give forgiveness to some who can’t say “I am sorry.” We hurt when people do not take our words in the kindest way. We can get burned by those whom we confront about a sin they do not really want to have exposed. And it hurts too when you know you have sinned against someone and try to ask for forgiveness but rather than hearing “I forgive you,” you get “its okay.” That is not the same as hearing absolution. Use the words Jesus has given us to speak his love to one another. Forgive one another for the sins that you commit against one another.

So how are we able to do all this in the midst of being so hard and so contrary to the way of the world? Be where Jesus is, acknowledge your own debts to the Lord, your own sins for what they are, deserving of death and hell. But call upon God to be merciful and Just, as He has promised to be. For again, he does not desire the death of the sinner, but that the sinner turn and be reconciled to Him. And God has done all the work to forgive and reconcile us to Himself. He has had mercy on you. He sent His Son to be your Savior from sin, death, and hell. And having been made a child of the Living God, be like your Father, who continues to show His mercy to us who sin constantly against him, let us show mercy to those who sin against us.

Be made ready and capable to pass this mercy of your Heavenly Father on by filling up with Christ’s mercy at His Supper. Therefore be a vessel through which the mercy of the Lord may be made known to those who may have never seen God’s mercy before. Forgive richly because you have been richly forgiven by your Heavenly Father for the sake of Christ Jesus your Lord.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rev. Jacob Hercamp 
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 
La Grange, MO  

©2020 Jacob Hercamp. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

A Sermon for the 5th Sunday after Pentecost

Grace, mercy, and peace be unto you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

No one really knew what was coming as 2020 came into focus. Many of us myself included figured a few weeks of isolation would stem the tide sweeping the nation that was the virus. I know for myself I was not really prepared to face a longer period of the “stay at home” stuff. Much was needing to be done. I felt more busy than ever. Much of my busyness being brought on through anxiety. Trying to navigate how to best serve a church in the middle of the pandemic. Every move, every decision, wore me down. I felt pretty helpless.

As God has a way of using events of the world to bring folks to their knees in repentance, I too was brought to my knees in a few ways. I was reminded and perhaps you have been as well, that you have little strength in and of yourself. And the strength you have in yourself in the long run does not last, nor are you able to add one day to your life by it. I was reminded time and time again not to lean on my own understanding, my mind and my body were going through the wringer. I was burdened and heavy laden with anxiety about how everything would be heard and received. As like many workers in the midst of the pandemic I was being reminded that I was not the savior. In my office as an installation gift I received an icon, depicting Christ walking on the Water. In the icon on my office wall Jesus is lifting St. Peter from the water. It reminds me of something I should have never forgotten: Jesus is the savior of St. Peter, not me.

I am one who needs to come and put off the yoke of my heavy burdens. I am weak. Christ is the strong one. O that we might all have this revealed to us by the Father in Heaven. May we be made into little children and trust in the gracious will of our Lord, instead of try to trudge through our burdens of sin/shame/anxiety alone.

Think about your own situations and lives. There are plenty of situations that you have in your life that likely make you feel helpless and hopeless. Maybe it is something along the lines of family dynamics which we have touched on in previous weeks as the Gospel lessons have brought to the fore. Maybe you teachers are feeling lost in the sea of Covid-19 classroom preparedness. Maybe you are concerned for all your students who have not received the last months of school and now summer is really here and you are anxious where they are in life and in education. Just how far down the ladder have they fallen? Maybe you are trying to do it all, working and trying to make sure no child is left behind. But how can you do that? Feeling the burdens? Do you feel like you have failed? And those are some secondary and tertiary vocations. We aren’t really even talking about the vocations of mothers and fathers. Fathers, have you been burdened by the fact that your livelihood and the lives of your family members have been affected economically? I don’t think this has been the case for our members as much thanks be to God, but many have lost months of income and the standard of living has fallen for many around us. Anxious about what comes next? Burdened by worry? What do you do and where do you turn?

Turn to the one who cries out, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:25-30).

Jesus Christ offers freely rest for our wearied souls. Worry and anxiety are symptoms of a failure to fully fear, love, and trust in the promises of God our Father in heaven. They are sins against the first commandment. We worry because we don’t think we can handle what’s been put on our plate. And usually we are right about being unable to handle it because our focus is on the wrong thing. Our focus is on ourselves and our own strength. We find ourselves to be weak, especially when the burden of our failings mount up against us. Repent. That is the only way to have relief for our souls and conscience.

Jesus tells us a bit more about how this happens. This rest comes to you in knowing Jesus and by knowing Jesus we know His Father. It’s a trinitarian act: For The Holy Spirit is the Person who speaks to us knowledge about Jesus and his Gospel, that is what we confess as the work of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit gathers us to Jesus, and Jesus reconciles us to His Father. And there is our rest knowing that our burdens and our sins, our worries, our anxieties have been taken on by Jesus and dealt with once and for all. We are not the savior, Jesus is. And that is rest to our weary souls indeed.

Like anything, our anxieties and our worries come and go, our feelings of helplessness ebb and flow. Sometimes we feel like we are on top of the world, other times we are feeling like we are walking through the valley of death. Sometimes we will want to give up and give in, throwing the pity party that can come when we feel alone and the load is too much for us to bear alone. Yet, in all circumstances, Christ calls you to walk with him in his way, carrying the easy yoke that leads to eternal life.

He calls you to be like little children. Children do not do much for themselves. They need to be fed. They need to be reminded of a parent’s love for them. They need hugged. They need picked up when they fall off their bike. They need a kiss on the scuffed-up knee. They need to know you care for them.  So too you being a child of God you need that same kind of encouragement, a better love that never ends nor fades, a love that picks up all the pieces of your weary body and life and makes it all well in the cross of Jesus.

You are little children, beloved by your Father, made God’s own Child, because you are baptized into Christ. By baptism you are connected to Christ, both his crucifixion, and his resurrection. All your anxiety, all your worry, all your sin, and the shame that burdens your conscience taken away there in Christ’s death. And you participate in that by being washed clean in the waters of Holy Baptism. St. Peter talks about Baptism in this way: Baptism now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body, but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. You are given a light yoke; you are given knowledge of Jesus who has died and risen from the dead that you might live forever with your Heavenly Father.

In some churches, the font is in the back of the church and each parishioner passes right by the font as they go to their pew. In those churches, if you have ever been to one, you might have seen some folks take the liberty of dipping their finger into the water and making the sign of the cross upon themselves. What an awesome way to be reminded of the gifts Christ gives to us in Holy Baptism. We are called by the grace of our Lord into a life that is ours on behalf of Jesus, a life that is not to be burdened with the cares of being the savior of ourselves or our families or anyone else. No, that job has been covered and taken forever by Jesus. Look to the font and know your burdens have been taken up by Christ and he has dealt with them once and for all.

And know too that if we falter and do worry and fall into sin, we have the Son who comes to us and picks back up and takes those sins away. This is the continued out-flowing of God’s love for you. That love is made manifest to you in the Divine Service, where you repent and confess your sins and receive rest for you souls, rest that lasts through eternity, receiving that rest by receiving Christ on your ears in the hearing of His Word and on your very lips as you eat his body and blood for the forgiveness of sins and strengthening of your faith.

Christ cries out, come to me, and I will give you rest. St. Augustine that great 4th Century Church Father put it this way: You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” Thanks be to God that Christ continues to call to us, calling the young and old to rest but above all to souls distressed longing for rest everlasting. And you have been brought into that rest who is Christ by Baptism and He has been put into you by Holy Communion. So be at rest, you souls distressed. Be at rest, Christ is your savior and he has come and carries your burdens far from you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rev. Jacob Hercamp
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
La Grange, MO

©2020 Jacob Hercamp. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to