Send us a Faithful Shepherd

180 years ago in late May, Pastor Jesse Hoover died. In the frontier town of Fort Wayne, Indiana, his congregations mourned. Along with them, the whole community missed him, too. Lutheran pastors were rare in the dark forest. Elder Adam Wesel of St. Paul’s congregation wrote to the Mission Committee of the Pennsylvania Ministerium for help. Among other things he pleaded:

“Have pity, honored fathers and brothers and send us a Pastor… If you canvas the northern part of Indiana you will soon see how important it is that you send us a faithful Shepherd. The harvest is great but unfortunately there are no workers. If it is not possible to send us a Pastor, dear brothers, then send us a circuit rider. We hunger and thirst for the Word of God.”
Adam Wesel
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Fort Wayne, Indiana
4 June 1838

The letter arrived in Pennsylvania at a perfect time. The committee had planned to send a survey missionary West in September. But their candidate could not go. They we’re without a man to send.

Yet as they pondered, a young pastor had just arrived in Baltimore. His name was Friedrich Wyneken. In late August they dispatched him to Indiana, to gather scattered Protestants into congregations. This he did — and more!

More about this story in later posts. For now, thank God for the prayer the people of Ft. Wayne prayed and add your prayer to theirs that God might send faithful shepherds to gather his people into the fold of their great Shepherd.

See also: Meet Fritz Wyneken 

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

That Rebellious House

I have thoroughly been enjoying preaching on the Old Testament Lessons these past few weeks. The hits just keep coming with Ezekiel 2. Ezekiel is quite a prophet, and his task from the Lord is a mighty tall task. He is to preach to that rebellious house of Israel.

Ezekiel was sent into hostile territory. He was sent to a people who was in the middle of divine judgment, slowly being brought to repentance. Judah was being thrown out of the promised land. They are mad and upset with God. And to make matters worse for Ezekiel, God tells him, that the people would not want to listen to what Ezekiel was sent to say.

The rebellious house of Israel would not like it because they still had punishment and discipline to endure. The Lord’s message through Ezekiel would fall on mostly deaf ears, and these are ears of the Lord’s chosen people Israel, the people through whom the Messiah was to come.

The message of Ezekiel was one of repentance. And that is a great message to hear when it is not directed at you. For repentance requires you to acknowledge that you have done something wrong, that you have sinned before God. And we certainly don’t like having to admit that we are sinful and unclean in the sight of God and deserve nothing but punishment from God.

But with the message of repentance comes also the promise of forgiveness. The message of the prophets is the same of Jesus himself. And like Ezekiel, Jesus came to the rebellious house of the world. Jesus accused the world of its rampant sin and its rebellious ways, straying from the ways of the Lord. His Law accuses and kills, but His all atoning death on the cross brings with it life and salvation to the one who believes. What a beautiful gospel He brings. And he brings it to us, that rebellious house who needs to be brought to repentance and faith daily.

And we are as the 4th question concerning Baptism indicates. By daily contrition and repentance our sinful adam is drowned and the new man daily emerges, to live the gracious presence of God forever.

Thank the Lord that He sends his preachers and His only Son to that rebellious house preach His Law and Gospel to us in need of repentance and faith!

Rev. Jacob Hercamp
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
La Grange, MO

©2018 Jacob Hercamp. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Great is Thy Faithfulness

I really enjoy the Old Testament, and if you have been paying attention, the Old Testament lessons during this season after Pentecost have not disappointed. This Sunday, we get  Lamentations 3:22-33.

Lamentations is not the first book people want to read in the Old Testament because it deals with communal suffering. In Lamentations we know exactly why God brings this suffering on the people of Jerusalem. They did not turn from their wickedness and sins. They did not seek God, but rather ran after other gods. God warned them this would happen through the many prophets He sent, but they would not listen. This is written for our learning.

Another question you might be asking is this: “So what’s God’s plan with this suffering?” Or another way to say it, “What’s God’s desired outcome?” It’s simple: Be brought to repentance and faith.

Jerusalem was in utter ruins. King Zedekiah watched his sons be killed at the hand of Nebuchadnezzar. God’s judgement against Jerusalem was on full display. Tears filled the streets. But in our readings from Lamentations 3, Jeremiah remains confident in the compassion of God. The Lord does not destroy and kill to all eternity. This discipline Jerusalem receives is actually all about compassion. God shows His compassion through discipline on His people because He loves them and us.  He does not want any to die, and this discipline will humble some and bring them to repentance and faith in Him. The Lord’s Law and discipline has this effect. The Lord disciplines those he loves. This is why we too discipline our children, because we love them.

The Lord’s wrath is not forever, but was actually poured out for us all on Jesus at the cross. Christ suffered the full weight of God’s righteous judgment and wrath once for all. Even in wrath the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. Jesus takes our suffering on out of love. He turns his cheek and receives the insults. He drinks the bitterness of God’s wrath for us. This is the mercy of God for you in action, and you get to receive this mercy anew every time you hear that your sins are forgiven on account of Christ. So do not be grieved by your sin, but receive the Love of God for you in Christ.

Rev. Jacob Hercamp
St. Peter Lutheran Church, La Grange, MO

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Building the Body of Christ with a Visit


I wonder just how many church members only see their pastor on Sunday morning. Has your pastor seen your home? Does he even know where you live? Has he tried to make a house call to you?

Perhaps, the bigger question is whether or not you have invited your pastor over for such a visit. Too many people think that going to church on Sundays is “enough”. And please don’t get me wrong, the gifts of Christ are certainly there for all people and that is certainly enough for our salvation. But being the body of Christ, we ought to build one another up. Visits do just that.

Jesus went into people’s houses to visit with them.  Shouldn’t your pastor? Maybe he has tried. Perhaps the membership list is daunting. Maybe he feels he needs to be invited.

Most often people think that a visit for the pastor is reserved for the family members of a dearly departed. Or people think its for the really sick or just for those who are “shut-in”. But what if I told you that every church member should get a visit? A pastor should visit all the sheep put into his care because he must give an account of those entrusted into his care. But every Christian should and ought to visit their fellow church members because it builds up the body of Christ.

A visit is a friendly reminder to the person (no matter how frequent or infrequent they attend) that they are cared for by God and by their church. Visitation is a chance to remind us all what Christian charity looks like. It is a chance to connect with one another in ways that a corporate worship service does not allow unless if you have “gemutlichkeit” in the parking lot after.

It the best way for your pastor to get to know you, and it helps him preach practical law and practical gospel to you from the pulpit. Visiting also builds rapport for those “harder” visits when “Mom” passes or when your spouse is called to our Good Shepherd. It might even help build up courage within the pastor to make those other hard visits to the people who haven’t been in church since before he got there.

So if you haven’t gotten a visit from your pastor, might I suggest you invite him over? It might do you and him good!

Rev. Jacob Hercamp
St. Peter Lutheran Church, La Grange, MO

©2018 Jacob Hercamp. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist

“What will this child be?” That was the question of the people who witnessed John’s father bless the Lord God upon John’s birth and naming. Zechariah, you might remember, was so skeptical when he first got the news of John’s arrival that God shut his mouth and kept him mute until naming the boy John.

The appointed lectionary readings for the day give a bit more information about what John would do and be. He is to be the voice in the wilderness, preparing the way of the Lord.

Also from the book of Malachi and from Jesus’ own mouth we learn something else about what John was to become. John is the Elijah promised before the great and awesome day of the Lord (Mt 11:13-15; Mt 17:12-13).

But one thing that John is not is this: John is not the Messiah (John 1: 19-23) . John is adamant about his position as this voice in the wilderness. Even though John’s birth was prophesied, and even though John preaches with power, and even though he has a large following, John does not preach himself. As a matter of fact, he does not preach anyone except Christ and Kingdom that Christ ushers in, which the kingdom of forgiveness of sins.

The song of Zechariah also known as the Benedictus, also answers the question from above. John will the be the prophet of the Most High. He will give knowledge of salvation to the people of God in the forgiveness of their sins (Luke 1:76-77). The Baptism that John baptizes with comes from God (Mt. 21:25), and it a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Luke 3:3). The same message that John will preach will be preached by Jesus, but Jesus is also the fulfillment of it and thus mightier (Luke 3:15-16).

Who will John be? He is the one who will reveal Jesus to be “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29)!

John was sent to prepare the hearts of the people of Israel for Christ. We too hear his words, and they still ring true for us. Even at his birth, we know from God’s words through the song of Zechariah who John will be.

Rev. Jacob Hercamp
St. Peter Lutheran Church, La Grange, MO


©2018 Jacob Hercamp. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Afraid of the Word of the Lord

Today’s Old Testament Lesson tells us about the ramifications of the Fall into Sin, and the fear that fell over the man and the woman.

One bite of the fruit and their eyes were opened. They were ashamed because of their nakedness. They were afraid and so hid.  They are so afraid that a snap of a twig would have set them into flight. How much more God’s voice.

The voice of the Lord which they once delighted in now gives them the frights. The man and woman only have fear in their mind. And that is what sin does and its immediate. We fear the unknown. “How will God deal with us now that we have broken the only law God gave us?” And instead of listening to the word of the Lord, they listen to the voice of sin and doubt welling up in their own now sinful nature. So they try to remove themselves from the presence of the Lord because they think that hell would be better than being in the presence of the Lord God Almighty.

And what makes it even worse is when the man finally answers the Lord, he admits his fear and trepidation. Obviously something changed in the man and woman immediately because how can one who walked and talked with the Lord in the paradise of the garden now be deathly afraid of the Lord’s voice?  Furthermore, the man does what every sinner does: blame someone else for his problem of sin without admitting that he has done anything wrong. Sin is compounded and again and again til the point that the man is audacious enough to blame God for sin. But don’t we still do that today?

God shows the man and the woman their sin. He gives them the opportunity to confess their sins. And He gives us the same opportunity and He gives us the same word of promise. The promise is the sending of the offspring of the woman. That in this “seed of the woman” He would defeat the serpent once and for all. And we know who that is. He is Jesus Christ. And in Him do we have hope of eternal life and complete reconciliation to God our Father.

Rev. Jacob Hercamp

St. Peter Lutheran Church, La Grange, MO

©2018 Jacob Hercamp. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Sabbath as the Day of Salvation

I have been thinking about the Sabbath and how the Israelites are to remember how the Lord brought them up from the land of Egypt, the land of death, by his mighty arm .

What a wonderful thing to think about every Sabbath, every week, to never forget what the Lord has done, saving them from slavery and death. But we know the story all too well. They did forget. They didn’t listen to the Lord’s word. They despised it especially when the prophets were sent to call them to repentance. And eventually because of their disobedience and faithlessness they were exiled, and the temple was destroyed.

While we were not there in Egypt with the Israelites at the time of the Passover, we too have been brought from the land of death. It is through the work of Christ. The act of the Lord on behalf of Israel pointed forward to the greater act of salvation, Christ’s saving the world from sin by his death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead. The Lord Christ went into the land of the dead and was victorious over sin and death for you and me. That is something to get excited about and hear on a weekly basis. We need it because there is plenty of things that take our time. There is always plenty of “work” to do. But on the Sabbath, the Lord’s Day we get to be fed and nourished with the Word of God, where we hear again the wonderful news of Jesus Christ and what He has done for us and for our salvation. Not only that but we get fed with Christ’s own body and blood for the forgiveness of sins and the strengthening of our faith. So don’t miss out. Come and remember what the Lord has done for you in bringing from death into life.

Rev. Jacob Hercamp
St. Peter Lutheran Church, La Grange, MO

©2018 Jacob Hercamp. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

New Contributor Coming: Rev. Jacob Hercamp

With great pleasure, let me welcome to the blog Rev. Jacob Hercamp. He will be contributing posts to our blog beginning sometime in the next few weeks. Here is his introduction:

Greetings in the Name of our crucified, risen, and ascended Lord, Jesus Christ!

My name is Jacob Hercamp, and I am currently serving as Pastor at St. Peter Lutheran Church in La Grange, MO.  Rev. Smith graciously invited me to help contribute to the What Does This Mean Blog, and I am excited to oblige!

I come from southern Indiana, and my home congregation is one of the oldest in the area, St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church, White Creek. My parents and grandparents still live in the area. I attended the parochial school at the church, and after my 8th grade year I chose to attend Trinity Lutheran High School, located in Seymour, IN.  Upon graduation from high school I decided to attend Indiana University and pursue a degree in Biochemistry.  While at Indiana I played a key role in revitalizing the Omega Chapter of the Beta Sigma Psi, The National Lutheran Fraternity.  It was during this time of my life that I became friends with Rev. Smith because his sons and I lived together at Indiana.

During my time at college, I finally figured out that I should attend seminary, something that people encouraged me to do all along! So I applied to CTSFW, and got to sit at the feet of great Lutheran theologians, and hang out with Rev. Smith on a daily basis.

I was blessed to attend not only Ft. Wayne but I also took the opportunity to study at Westfield House in Cambridge, England.  I then went with my wife, Emily (4 years of marriage 20 June), to vicarage in Imperial, NE, under the guidance of Rev. David Kahle. Instead of going straight out after my 4th year at seminary, I was able to stay and work for Drs. David Scaer and Cameron MacKenzie as the graduate assistant while I earned a Master’s of Sacred Theology in Old Testament Exegesis from CTSFW.

I was ordained on Pentecost Day (4 June 2017) and will be celebrating my one year installation anniversary 23 July.

Emily and I are blessed with Jacob Ryan II (3 as of August 2018) and Ella (1 as of June 2018)

I pray that my writings here at What Does This Mean? proves to be fruitful for you in your journey to explore the faith that we have been given in our Baptism into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

©2018 Jacob Hercamp. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

A Brief Hiatus

Today my son-in-law will receive a call into the Office of the Holy Ministry. The complications of that event, the normal busyness of the seminary as he and his classmates learn where the Lord is sending them and a few other complications make it impossible for me to write substinative posts for at least today and perhaps a few days. By the weekend, I hope to be back at it, taking up, appropriately, Holy Absolution and the Office of the Ministry. Stay tuned!

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to

Peter and Jesus

St. Peter was a man of action. He was always eager to act, quick to speak and full of enthusiasm. He was as subtle as a loaded freight train. Tradition has it that the Evangelist John  Mark was his companion and that the Gospel of Mark was written to preserve his teaching and preaching of the gospel.  Mark’s famous favorite word “immediately” is a great motto for Peter.

Like most men of his age, Simon Peter had two names — one for use in Jewish circles — Simon bar Jonah (Simon, son of Jonah) — and one for use with the gentiles  — the nickname Jesus gave him, Peter (Little Rock). He was a partner in a successful fishing business in Capernaum with his brother Andrew, Zebedee and his sons James and John. Jesus called him early in his ministry and Peter would soon rise to be a leader for the disciples.

On Maundy Thursday, had Peter and John prepare the Passover meal. During the dinner, Jesus told His disciples that they would abandon Him and that St. Peter would deny Him three times before the rooster crowed. Peter quickly swore he would rather die than betray his Lord. Later, during the trial before the High Priests, Peter denied he knew Jesus.

After Jesus rose from the dead, Peter began to change. Jesus appeared to Peter alone on Easter day. A few weeks later, Jesus asked Peter three times if Peter loved Him. Three times Peter said he did. Jesus showed He forgave Peter when He commanded Peter three times to feed God’s sheep. From then on, Peter was no longer a fisherman. He was now a pastor, “a shepherd,” to care for God’s people with God’s word and His sacraments.

Later, On the day of Pentecost, Peter preached to the crowd. Three thousand people were brought to faith and baptized that day. Peter went everywhere preaching, teaching, healing the sick and suffering for His Lord. According to tradition, he later helped to found the church in Rome and would die a martyr, crucified upside down.

See Also: The Day of Resurrection | Stay With Us, Lord, For it is Evening | Seeing is Believing

©2018 Robert E. Smith. All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy, share and display freely for non-commercial purposes. Direct all other rights and permissions inquiries to